Every Saturday morning Erewhon in Venice fires up the grill at 585 Venice Blvd and busts out the tacos. Organic grilled salmon, carne asada, grilled chicken, and the newest Vegan meat substitute…wild jackfruit.

Jackfruit is a giant, southeast Asian fruit that grows on trees. It is so big it’s been known to “fall out of trees and kill people,” says Erewhon store manager Jason. However on the flip-side, with the amount of food one jackfruit supplies, “they’re saying it can save the world. They provide tonnes and tonnes of fruit per year,” says Jason.

So people think it tastes a little like BBQ pork and others even think they’ve been tricked into eating meat! “It definitely has a meatier texture…meat for Vegans,” says Jason. On trying Jackfruit for the first time Erewhon regular, William, described it saying, “It has a bit of a mushroom vibe to it. I like that.”

With a low fat content, a little bit of protein, and a lot of energy built in, jackfruit is the latest superfood discovery. You can try it for yourself, Saturday’s at Erewhon, 585 Venice Blvd, Venice.