At Tuesday’s Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC) Board Meeting, Councilman Mike Bonin and the Department of Recreation and Parks (in partnership with the LA Parks Foundation) plan on presenting “Venice Beach on Ice” to the Council.
Picture Via the Hotel del Coronado of their ice rink in San Diego
The proposed ice skating rink will be open to the public and “will be the only place in Los Angeles where you can ice skate at the beach. The operation will run from approximately mid-November to mid-January”.
This could be pretty exciting!
More VNC business to follow, as this will be an active meeting with the discussion of the construction at 1414 Main Street, 3223 Washington Blvd (the Firestone Walker Brew/Pub Restaurant) and more!
[…] Tomorrow at 1PM at Venice – Abbot Kinney Memorial Library there will be a public hearing (view notice) for the proposed winter ice rink Bret initially reported at the beginning of March: […]