The space next to Other Room, which we hear will operate under the name “Local” by Other Room owner Craig Weiss (the applicant on the permit) is already starting to get the neighbors fired up in anticipation of the August 20th city planning hearing. From what we hear they want to put in a Deli (we are psyched) and want to keep it open until 3am (the surrounding neighbors are not so psyched).
There is also talk of valet parking and where to put the cars and all that stuff planners make you plan for. As one neighbor wrote us, it would “greatly affect our neighborhood with increased noise, late night activities and fewer parking spaces.” I personally like the Other Room and the staff is always friendly, but can’t recall ever being there past 10 or 11pm so have no idea what the noise level is when it closes up at night.
REQUEST: A Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12.24-W,1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, to permit the sale and dispensing of beer and wine only for on-site consumption, in conjunction with an existing 2,950 square-foot market/restaurant, operating from 7 a.m. to 3 a.m., with the sale beer and wine from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m., seven days a week, with 53 seats including 20 seats on an open patio; and, 2) Pursuant to Section 12.27, a Zone Variance from the provisions of Section 12.26-E,5 to permit the non-required parking to be guaranteed by lease in lieu of the required covenant, on an approximately 6,880 square-foot site in the C2-1-O-CA Zone.
The Department of Building and Safety notice on the door says it is take-out with no seating allowed, but peeps on the net are thinking it may be otherwise.
Anyone have more information? Anyone headed down to the planning meeting on the 20th?