White Bus remains illegally parked in plain view
By Nick Antonicello
According to locals, the above mentioned bus still remains in full view at Fourth Street and Rose to the displeasure of many residents.
Sources tell Yo! Venice this vehicle has been parked for at least four years!
According to those nearby residents, there’s been unusual traffic in and out of it lately.
One resident noted It’s blocking two and three parking spaces as well.
You can see to the right, a new camper apparently has drug activity involved according to those living in that immediate neighborhood.
The question by residents is that if we can clean up Third & Rose, why not Fourth & Rose too?
The picture here was taken August 24th.
Nick Antonicello is a thirty-one year resident of Venice and covers the current encampment and RV crisis in the neighborhood. Have a tent or RV issue on your block? Contact the author via e-mail at nantoni@mindspring.com