A Situation Emerged That Is Unnecessary and That Los Angeles Has the Laws, Money and Assets to Remedy
By Clark Brown
The views expressed here are solely those of the writer. He can be contacted at clarkbrown@jcbjrlaw.com
Nick Antonicello’s column, “Emerging New RV Encampment Compromises Del Rey Neighborhood (Yo! Venice February 17, 2024) describes a situation that is wholly unnecessary and that Los Angeles has the laws, money and assets to remedy promptly. The column reports there are 14 RVs and oversized vehicles on Inglewood Blvd. beneath the 90 Freeway Some have been there for over a year. Many are unlicensed, unregistered and inoperable.
This violates LAMC SEC. 80.73.2.( “ It shall be unlawful for any person who owns or who has possession, custody or control of any vehicle to park that vehicle or leave it standing upon any highway, street or alley for 72 or more consecutive hours.”) The City can immediately tow the vehicles pursuant to VC 22669(d))“Vehicles which are parked, resting, or otherwise immobilized on any highway or public right-of-way and which lack an engine, transmission, wheels, tires, doors, windshield, or any other part or equipment necessary to operate safely on the highways of this state, are hereby declared a hazard to public health, safety, and welfare and may be removed immediately upon discovery by a peace officer or other designated employee of the state, county, or city.” Emphasis added.)
The City can tow the vehicles to 2 multi acres parcels of vacant land the City owns at LAX. One is at the corner of LaCienega and Century. The other is at the corner of 111 th Street and Aviation. Both are completely surrounded by airport and industrial uses. Neither are near incompatible uses such as homes, schools or churches. Both are within Council District 11 where the vehicles are now located.
The City has ample resources to relocate the vehicles and their occupants now. There is $1.3 billion in the current City budget for homeless services. The county has additional funds. This year the federal government selected Los Angeles for a large grant for homeless services, and in his last State of the State Address Governor Newsome promised 500 tiny homes for Los Angeles in which the City could rehouse the people now living in RVs. For more detail see my 7/22/23 letter to Yo! Venice, “L.A.’s Increasing Homeless Population Requires City to Establish Interim Shelter on Its Vacant Parcels at LAX.”
Clark Brown
Board Member, Venice Neighborhood Council.