A series of carts, bicycles and other modes of shelter locked to traffic pole.
By Nick Antonicello
A new mobile encampment has found the corner of Grayson and Washington Boulevard as home as pictured in the images here taken on Thursday, January 25th.
The encampment is parked next to a commercial office facility and just across the street from a series of condominiums facing Washington.
This particular encampment is new to that location.
A combination of shopping carts, bicycles and tent-like structures are chained to a traffic pole that is off the sidewalk and obstructs the ability to make the right-hand turn coming west on Washington and north onto Grayson.
This area of Venice has not seen any permanent encampments in recent memory as it seems to be spilling onto Grayson due to the increased population of RV’s along Washington.
Nick Antonicello is a thirty-one year resident of Venice who covers the whereabouts of permanent encampments and RV’s around the neighborhood. Have an encampment issue on your sidewalk or block? Contact him via e-mail at nantoni@mindspring.com