by Melanie Camp
Venice local Adam Moran has taken home the hotly-contested Venice Photo Contest and now has his awesome picture adorning the Snapchat billboard in the General Admission parking lot on the corner of Pacific and Brooks Ave.

Judge and photographer Mike Miller described Moran’s win- ning image as “Timeless and classic. Quintessential Venice Beach.”

Miller has snapped everyone from Jack Nicholson to Tupac Shakur but you could argue that judging the winning image for the General Admission and Yo! Venice photo contest may have been his toughest assignment yet.
With 350 entries to sift through Miller said, “I was so impressed with all the entries, I had no idea there was so many great photographers in Venice Beach.”

Menotti’s Coffee Stop Barista, Cody Chouinard, and Randy Baulblis were 2nd and 3rd place winners.

“The photo was taken as I was on my way to work the day after Brendan Glenn was killed by the police in front of Menotti’s,” Chouinard told Yo! Venice. “I was inspired to take the photo because the scene provoked a lot of emotion and thought for me. I instinctively reached for my camera because I knew it could do the same for others.”
Chouinard said that winning second place is“an honor coming from the guys over at GA. They’re a great group of guys and I’m a big fan of what they do.”
The contest will be back again next year. In the meantime, for inspiration, feast your eyes on the winning picture, runners up, and a couple of shots that deserved honorable mention…