Actress Ellen Page spent a day hanging out at the Teen Project’s PAD at 70 Windward Ave., in Venice. Helping to inspire local homeless youth.
PAD Manager Timothy Pardue said Page’s visit provided a much needed moral boost to many of the kids.

“She’s a great human being. It was really inspiring for the kids to have her here” said Pardue.
Young aspiring actor Trey and his friend, aspiring singer Nae had been on the streets of Los Angeles for a month before moving from the danger of Downtown to Venice, where they discovered the PAD.
For them the day with Page had been extra special ending with both being placed in transitional housing thanks to the PAD.

Page is a big supporter of The PAD in Venice which has so far helped get 44 kids off the street since March this year.
Read more about the successful Venice homeless youth organization here.