By Nick Antonicello
Why would a supporter(s) of Traci Park place political placards on poles designed for traffic signage?
This is an example of at least three (3) signs that were attached to traffic poles along Olive Avenue just west of Lincoln Boulevard and parallel with Washington Boulevard Thursday evening (9/8/22).
These poles are property of the City of Los Angeles and this kind of usage is at worst inappropriate and at best a terrible idea by some overzealous campaigner or Park supporter.
Political signs are not to be posted on public property or structures.
The appropriate placing of such placards should be on private property such as a homeowner’s lawn or window. This kind of placement needs to be discouraged and hopefully the Park campaign will have their supporters stop placing political messaging on public property.
As political campaigns can become a “silly season” of sorts, no candidate or campaign should encourage this kind of inappropriate placement of candidate messaging.
Let’s keep the campaigning positive that encourages residents to vote.
In a City like Los Angeles where turnouts are notoriously low, this kind of placement on public property is counterproductive and could confuse a driver from the traffic messaging it was designed to post.
Nick Antonicello is a longtime Venetian who is covering the race for council in CD-11. Have a tip or a take on the race? E-mail Nick at