Just When You Thought It Was Safe on Flower, Back Come the Illegal Tentings!
By Nick Antonicello
Quicker than you can say, homelessness and encampments, two new tents appeared on Thursday after clearing out the existing structures some 24 hours ago!
Just after we thought city officials got things back to normal, here are two more outside occupants of our public streets, campers that have arrived even before the planter boxes to the right could be filled with new trees.
To call this situation frustrating would be to utter the obvious, but for whatever reason homeless individuals are determined to keep this street corner occupied and illegal!
Yo! Venice may need a proverbial scorecard to update the community of the status of this ongoing neighborhood dilemma.
This photo was taken yesterday, September 28th.
Nick Antonicello is a thirty-year resident of Venice and covers the encampment crisis and the issue of homelessness. Have an encampment on your block or sidewalk? Contact him via e-mail at nantoni@mindspring.com