Venice Neighborhood Council Secretary Melissa Diner made a shocking discovery on Wednesday night when she stumbled upon an entire fridge full of Crystal Pepsi at the 99c Store.
She quickly alerted Yo! Venice, “I literally think this might be a story for you…so weird.”

So far no one has been able to work out what is scarier, the idea that a vortex spewing gems of old exists at the 99c Store on Lincoln and Rose or the reminder to Gen-X’ers that the 90s are so far in the rearview mirror, they’re retro.
Regardless, if you want a blast from the past, a 16 ounce serving is just 99 cents.
Perhaps, the store can dish up some wine coolers, a few bottles of Sun In hair lighteners and hyper color t-shirts.
If they do, please beep us on our pager.