March 14, 2025 #1 Local News, Forum, Information and Event Source for Venice Beach, California.

VNC: Special Board of Officers Meeting on December 2!

The Venice Neighborhood Council will hold a Special Board of Officers Meeting at the Westminster Elementary School (Auditorium) tomorrow evening starting at 7 PM.

Click here to read the full Board Agenda.

VNC 500

Highlights from the Meeting Agenda Include:

Ocean Front Walk Safety (7:25PM – 120 minutes) (Tom Elliott – Chair, OFW Comm) [For discussion and possible action]

The Ocean Front Walk, and Public Safety Committees met and deliberated on recommendations and suggestions heard at The VNC Public Safety Town Hall on October 29, 2013 and responded with the following proposed motions to the Needs Assessment on Public Safety for Venice Beach as submitted by the City Recreation and Parks Department: VNC-OFW-Safety-Report_8-14- 13

MOTION: Whereas, at the OFW Public Safety Town Hall held in October 2013, the people of Venice overwhelmingly agreed that the number one issue surrounding safety on OFW is a marked decrease in Police Presence on the boardwalk in recent years.
Therefore, be it resolved that:
1. The Venice Neighborhood Council demands that LAPD must increase the number of officers
on the boardwalk beat, specifically on foot patrol, as there is a dramatic difference in interaction with citizens when officers are on foot, versus in a vehicle of any sort.
2. Police presence should be 24/7, as nighttime patrol is paramount to safety.
3. “Education”, “Community-Style Policing”, “Training Specific to the Boardwalk”, and “Even- handed Enforcement” of all ordinances, including 42.15, should be the standard.
4. The Police Substation at Windward should be “open and staffed” 24/7.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City initiate a voluntary storage program to move unsightly piles of property out of the public view and to reduce blight and enhance public cleanliness, public safety and greatly improve the visitor experience on Ocean Front Walk and surrounding areas. It shall be located at a site to be determined, with input from the community and LAPD, to provide safe storage for the personal property of un- housed local residents. The site should not be on Ocean Front Walk.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA should not install automated bollards due to the cost of installation and maintenance, and potential for failure.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA should not install a lockable gate system because it will obstruct delivery, restrict handicap access, and is potentially dangerous in crowded panic situation.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA should not install steel and concrete bollards at OFW, but does support the use of functional and artistic obstructions that may include welcome arches, bike racks, statues, art, monuments, and concrete seating areas that do not obstruct ocean views and beach access. These items should be placed close enough together to block vehicles, but far enough apart to allow pedestrian, wheelchair and hand-delivery access to the boardwalk on all streets except Navy, Rose, Brooks, Market, 18th, Venice Bl, and Washington. Further, the The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA consult the community of Venice and the VNC regarding the use of local art and artists in the design and construction of these Hard Street Closures.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA removes the temporary bollards on OFW because they are unsightly, ineffective, broken, and are a pedestrian safety hazard.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA removes the “Dead End”, “Road Closed” and “Do Not Enter” signs, and replace them with “Welcome to Venice Beach”, “Pedestrians Only” and directional signs for parking where appropriate, ie Speedway, because the existing signs are unsightly, unwelcoming, and obstruct the view of the beach.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA should not install security cameras on OFW, because they are an invasion of privacy, they have historically been poorly maintained, and they would be technologically unfeasible.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council supports lighting upgrades as the number one priority of the RAP Assessment, and recommends vast expansion of lighting on OFW, the bike path and Speedway, using green, LED and solar technology as a crime deterrent, safety measure, and to support commerce on the boardwalk

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA MAINTAIN, CLEAN DAILY, and KEEP OPEN ALL public restrooms in the Park DURING PARK HOURS.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA, in conjunction with the County of LA, maintain the bike path by sweeping sand from the path DAILY, and mitigating sand build-up on the grassy knolls between the path and the boardwalk, as sand on the bike path is major safety concern.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of Los Angeles implement a Warn, Bag & Tag program similar to the program currently in use in Downtown Los Angeles for reasons of public safety.

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of LA install a Public
Address System on OFW for use in emergency and evacuation purposes only.

Adjourn (approx. 9:35PM)

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