“Breaking the Taboo“, a new documentary by Director Fernando Grostein Andrade and producer Sam Branson about the War on Drugs, was released today on YouTube. Venice Beach is often used by the major media when discussing drug use in the U.S.A. Take an hour out of your day to watch this documentary:
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The producer’s father, Sir Richard Branson, told The Daily Mail “I am hoping in the same way that Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth opened people’s eyes to global warming issues, (Sam’s) film will open people’s eyes on the war on drugs and the failed war on drugs and make it easier for people who want to be brave and do something about it”.
Narrated by Morgan Freeman (English version) & Gael Garcia Bernal (Spanish version), the documentary examines the UN sanctioned war on drugs, charting its origins and its devastating impact on countries like the USA, Colombia and Russia. Featuring prominent statesmen including Presidents Clinton and Carter, the film follows The Global Commission on Drug Policy on a mission to break the political taboo and expose “the biggest failure of global policy in the last 50 years”.