On Monday Justin Grado and Jordan Lawhead, two best friends from Venice Beach, launched “YouInspire“. Ideally, “YouInspire” will be a portal where no one ever faces a serious life challenge alone … a place where people living with serious medical challenges can share their experiences through videos online, giving real world experience to fellow patients.
The 501c3 nonprofit organization will feature videos of hope, support and encouragement by survivors and those currently facing serious medical challenges (i.e. cancer, diabetes, heart disease, paralysis, chronic pain), as seeing is believing!
Justin and Jordan note that the launch of the site and early momentum could not have been possible without the financial, promotional and production support from fellow Venice residents.
Hopefully one of the Yo! Venice! readers that works at Google in Venice can hook “YouInspire” up with a meeting with “the powers that be” – this idea could be a great humanitarian effort with the assistance of a large corporate backer. I know from experience after a family member was diagnosed with cancer that hospitals and online statistics can be a cold place – it would have been wonderful if my family member had a resource such as this before he passed.
Click here and get involved!
[…] Venice based “YouInspire“, a portal where people living with serious medical challenges can share their experiences through videos online, giving real world experience to fellow patients, has released a new video featuring Venetian and world-renown artist Tom Everhart. […]