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VNC Board Meeting: July 19th 2011

The Venice Neighborhood Council will meet tomorrow evening starting at 7PM in The Westminster Elementary School Auditorium.


The meeting highlight notes that the VNC released (seen below as “From the Venice Neighborhood Council“) fail to note a big “head scratcher” which is buried on page 6 of the long form meeting agenda (seen below as “The Long Form of the Meeting“)

C: Request from Councilmember Bill Rosendahl re: Road map to Housing (LAMC 85.11) Linda Lucks. President@Venicenc.org

MOTION : Whereas Councilmember Rosendahl requests the Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC) Board to designate a lot or parking spaces to accommodate the Roadmap to Homes program in Venice. Be it resolved that the VNC Board declines to designate a location in Venice but offers to assist the Councilmember by informing the Venice community of the areas he selects.

Since the VNC is opting to go silent on this issue in public, hopefully Councilman Rosendahl will shine his leadership skills on this issue and hold a community meeting or two himself (without any VNC involvement since they are opting out) to see if there are any acceptable options that the majority of the Venice community can support.

The Councilman should start by canvasing neighbors around lots he may think are possibilities to see their interest in the program. Everyone had to sign for OPD’s, why would they not be given the same input and be made to sign for “Streets to Homes” lots being placed next to their residences? Seems only logical to do it that way, no? It would likely be the only way to make this program happen in Venice without a big old lawsuit!

From the Venice Neighborhood Council:

VNC Board Meeting Tuesday, July 19th

The Venice Neighborhood Council will consider a motion at its next meeting asking that LAX Airport modernization and safety improvements be limited. The meeting will be held on July 19th, 2011 in the Westminster Elementary School Auditorium at 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd. starting at 7:00PM.

Numerous improvements to LAX airport are in the planning stages – some would improve access to the airport without increasing vehicular traffic, some would improve and modernize terminals and some would require the airport to expand its boundaries into adjoining areas (see: http://www.ourlax.org/). The motion to be heard by the VNC Board recommends that any expansion beyond current boundaries requiring demolition or removal of local businesses be curtailed, new Lincoln Blvd tunnels be eliminated and passenger volume limited to court settlement agreements.

In addition to the motion on the airport, other possible actions would recommend that the LA City Council oppose development of a parcel in Marina Del Rey (on County Land) until a review of impacts on city residents is completed; support revocation of the alcohol license belonging to La Fortuna Market (824 Lincoln Blvd) due to violations of its conditions of operation; and opposition to new increases in DWP rates until a rate payer advocate is appointed and can review them.

The VNC has asked developers of a new senior citizen retirement facility in Marina Del Rey (to be located between Washington and Admiralty just west of the Oxford Flood Control Basin) to explain the proposed development and it impacts on the residents of Venice (see: http://www.venicenc.org/files/090301-Rosendahl-MDRDevLtr.pdf). The developers have refused to do so. Now the County is moving closer to approving the project. The motion coming to the Board asks the LA City Council to step in, requesting the County to stop approval of the development until the City reviews the planned development to ensure all negative effects on the City are mitigated.

La Fortuna Market, at 824 Lincoln, was found to be a “public nuisance” in 2009 by the City of Los Angeles and strict conditions were imposed on its operations (see: http://pdis.lacity.org/pdf/viewPDF.aspx?Query=Type=PDIS;Doc=1AC3F). The time period for altering its operations to comply with the conditions has expired and, according to residents, the Market is still delinquent. The motion before the VNC recommends that the City revoke the Market’s Liquor License.

Snacks and coffee will be provided at the meeting.

A detailed agenda will be posted on the internet at www.VeniceNC.org and at posting places in the community.

There is no charge for this event. It is open to the public. Comments are encouraged.

What: Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Where: Westminster Elementary School Auditorium, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd (enter from Westminster)
When: Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Time: 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM


1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Meeting called to order in memory of Salvador Diaz & Alan Mateo- both 18 years old- shot down at Penmar Park; Mary McGurk, Robert “Bob” Winkler, Katherine “Kay” Travis, longtime residents of the Oxford Triangle;.

2. Approval of the Agenda

3. Approval of Outstanding Board Minutes
Revised: May 24
Draft: June 21, 2011

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda [5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

4. Public Safety- LAPD LAPD Report (5 minutes): Senior Lead Officers Peggy Thusing/Theresa Skinner/Gregg Jacobus, (310-622-3968; 25120@lapd.lacity.org, 35162@lapd.lacity.org, 31142@lapd.lacity.org)

5. Consent Calendar (5 minutes)
[No discussion or Public Comment. Items may be removed and will go to the end of the agenda]

A. Recommendation to Implement a “Scramble Crosswalk” at the Intersection of Pacific Avenue and Washington Boulevard: Marc Saltzberg: Outreach@VeniceNC.org and Neighborhood Committee (passed 7/11/2011 by a vote of 3-2-0)

Whereas the “Scramble Crosswalk” at the intersection of Windward Blvd. and Pacific Ave. has been successful in making the intersection safer for pedestrians without creating traffic delays, and

Whereas the intersection of Washington Blvd. and Pacific Ave. creates hazards for pedestrians with high volumes of walkers, exacerbated by the lack of a sidewalk on the west side of Pacific Ave and no crosswalk from the southeast corner of Washington Blvd. to the northeast corner of Washington Blvd, and

Whereas the scramble crosswalk signal cycle includes a period when pedestrian crossing is prohibited, therefore improving vehicular traffic flow because left and right turns can be completed unimpeded by pedestrians,

Therefore be it resolved:
1. The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of Los Angeles study and possibly implement a “Scramble Crosswalk” at the intersection of Washington Blvd. and Pacific Ave. and
2. This recommendation be forwarded Los Angeles’ 11th District City Councilman Bill Rosendahl and the Los Angeles Department of Transportation.

B. Recommendation that City of Los Angeles Provide 311 Service for Addresses in the City of LA Where the Billing Addresses is in Zip Code 90292; Marc Saltzberg: Outreach@VeniceNC.org: 310-421-8627 (EXHIBIT A)

Whereas the City of Los Angeles has created telephone service whereby an LA City resident can reach LA City Services by dialing 3-1-1, and

Whereas the City of Los Angeles has promoted this service so widely that some City Departments list 3-1-1 as their only telephone number (with no alternate number provided – see Exhibit to this motion, Message from Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa), and

Whereas LA City residents who live within zip code 90292 (including the communities of the Marina Del Rey Peninsula, the Oxford Triangle and parts of Del Rey) cannot use the 3-1-1 service because their zip code identifies them as living in Marina Del Rey, and

Whereas the City of Los Angeles and / or telephone companies servicing the area identified above have the technical ability to provide 3-1-1 service to LA City residents who live in non-city of LA zip codes,

Therefore be it resolved:

1. The Venice Neighborhood Council recommends that the City of Los A1ngeles work with telephone service providers in the area identified to provide 3-1-1 service and requests a report from the City on when such 3-1-1 service might be implemented, and

2. This recommendation shall be forwarded to Los Angeles’ 11th District City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency.
C. Support Ban on Polystyrene Foam Takeout Food Packaging; Kristopher Valentine, VNC Environmental Committee; kristopher.valentine@venicenc.org (EXHIBIT B)

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council supports Senate Bill 568, banning the use of polystyrene foam food packaging by food vendors, and encourages Councilmember Bill Rosendahl and the City of Los Angeles to officially support it.

D. Motion to approve the Main Street Bicycle plan “Main Street Road Diet” which extend the Main Street Bicycle Lane and lay the groundwork for the expansion of future facilities in and around the Venice area. -Kristopher Valentine Kristopher.valentine@Venicenc.org

Main Street from Winward north to the city limit is currently configured with two travel lanes northbound and two travel lanes southbound, separated only by a center line stripe with no turn pockets provided. Automobile parking is provided on both sides of the street as well. The current design is auto-centric and inconsistent with the Venice Neighborhood Council’s goals of improving the walkability and the bikeability of the community.

The LA City Department of Transportation has proposed reducing the number of travel lanes on Main Street to one lane in each direction in order to provide for new bicycle lanes in the north and south bound direction. The proposal would also create a center-striped median area that would effectively serve as left-turn pocket for motorists traveling from Main Street to adjacent side streets, thereby reducing the potential for rear-end collisions and ultimately making the street safer for all users. There would be no loss or change to the existing automobile parking

Bicycling is a healthy, eco-friendly, mode of transportation that the VNC actively seeks to encourage and support. (MOVE CLAUSE TO BE COMPLETED BY CHAIR)

E. 351 Sunset; 6-unit Condo Complex ZA-2011-1111-CDP-SPPA-ZAA-MEL

Approve the project as submitted, acknowledging:
a) Property owner has already recorded a tract map for a 6 unit condominium project and is seeking to complete a project already reviewed and approved in a prior case action.
b) The building envelope and design will not change from the prior plan approvals.
c) Property owner will use Anti-Graffiti Paint within 10ft of grade and remove any new graffiti within 24-hours.
d) Noting 6 guest parking where 2 is required by code.
LUPC: Made by John Reed, Seconded by Jory Tremblay
APPROVED, 9-0, Unanimous

F. Support the position that the Board of Water and Power Commissioners refrain from any rate increases until the Rate Payers Advocate is in place. DeDe Audet

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council strongly urges that the Board of Water and Power Commissioners and the City Council not consider or act upon the proposed water and power rate increases until the Ratepayers Advocate is established and has thoroughly reviewed and analyzed the proposed rate increases and presented such review and analysis to the ratepayers and the public for their careful consideration.

6. Old Business
[Discussion and possible action regarding the following matters]

A. Motion Opposing LAX Expansion (30 Minutes); Mike Newhouse on behalf of Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC) (mnewhouse@newhouseseroussi.com);
MOTION: WHEREAS LAX enhances tourism and economic growth in the entire region, the Venice Neighborhood Council (“VNC”) urges that any revised LAX Master Plan Elements should:

1. Retain the existing LAX footprint and forego runway modifications which increase runway protection zone impacts on surrounding neighborhoods, or result in wholesale removal of local businesses/tax base. Improve placement of taxiways to handle the new larger aircraft, and incorporate safety enhancements that do not require movement of runways

2. Reduce freeway traffic and discourage traffic flow into local neighborhoods while avoiding any new Lincoln Boulevard connection tunnels. Improve Central Terminal Area accessibility, including signage, physical roadway, multi modal passenger drop off and pick up, a consolidated Rental Car Facility, and rail connection

3. Hold LAX capacity to its current theoretical threshold of 78.9 Million Annual Passengers and preclude easily added passenger gates or cargo facilities after the 2020 prohibition ends. Encourage development and maintenance of capacity at other regional airports, such as Palmdale and Ontario, which can act as a back up to LAX and which both have available capacity.

In conclusion, the VNC, supports the improvement of safety, security and convenience at LAX but has concerns which should be addressed by the LAX Master Plan update process, including appropriate Environmental Impact Report scrutiny.

B. DWP Ratepayer Advocate (10 Minutes); Mike Newhouse on behalf of Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC) (mnewhouse@newhouseseroussi.com)

MOTION: Whereas the citizens of the City of Los Angeles passed Charter Amendment I in the March, 2011 election by a 74.54% margin, that calls for the establishment of an independent DWP Office of Accountability and the Ratepayer Advocate, and;

Whereas the City Council must pass an enabling ordinance to determine the method of selecting the managing executive of the DWP Office of Accountability (by whatever title: Executive Director, President, Managing Director, etc.), and;

Whereas the managing executive will be responsible for hiring, firing and managing all staff of the DWP Office of Accountability, including the Ratepayer Advocate, and;

Whereas it is of critical importance that neighborhood input be included in the process of selecting the managing executive;

Therefore be it resolved that the Venice Neighborhood Council hereby requests that the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles City Council insure that any selection committee impaneled to recommend, select or appoint the managing executive of the DWP Office of

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda

[5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

C: Request from Councilmember Bill Rosendahl re: Road map to Housing (LAMC 85.11) Linda Lucks. President@Venicenc.org

MOTION : Whereas Councilmember Rosendahl requests the Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC) Board to designate a lot or parking spaces to accommodate the Roadmap to Homes program in Venice. Be it resolved that the VNC Board declines to designate a location in Venice but offers to assist the Councilmember by informing the Venice community of the areas he selects.

7. New Business
[Discussion and possible action]

A. Motion To Amend Standing Rule 4 (Community Improvement Project Funding Timetable) Hugh Harrison for the Budget Committee treasurer@venicenc.org and Carolyn Rios for the Neighborhood Committee carolyn.rios@venicenc.org (EXHIBIT D)

MOTION: Whereas the VNC Community Improvement Project Timetable was developed when City policy allowed Neighborhood Councils to rollover their unspent funds to the next fiscal year, and

Whereas this rollover policy allowed the VNC to allocate CIP funding at the end of a fiscal year and be spent during the subsequent fiscal year, and

Whereas the current City policy abolishing NC rollovers necessitates that CIP monies be allocated and spent during the same fiscal year, and

Whereas in order to transition into this new timetable the VNC must allocate this year’s funds so that they can be spent before the end of the current fiscal year

Be it resolved that the VNC amends the timetable for Community Improvement Funding (Standing Rule 4) for the 2011-2012 cycle to allow for the current year’s funds to be spent during FY 2011-2012

B. Proposed Revisions to the Neighborhood Council System by Councilmember Paul Krekorian (CD 2), Chair, Education and Neighborhoods Committee; [For discussion only- 10 minutes]Linda Lucks president@venicenc.org (EXHIBIT E)

1. requires all Board members to complete training in ethics, sexual harassment, workplace violence, funding, city government basics, parliamentary process, and community leadership

2. revisions to NC funding policies including standardized budget and reconciliation templates, a uniform accounting system, giving DONE a wide range of circumstances that they can unilaterally cite as a reason for freezing an NC’s funds, creating a system for electronic filing of financial documents.

3. creates regional “governance panels” to oversee the NC system. These panels will report to DONE.

4. creation of standardized regional grievance panels.

C. Motion Regarding Development of Marina Del Rey Parcel OT Name : Marc Saltzbertg
Email Address : Outreach@VeniceNC.org Phone : 310-421-8627 (15 minutes) (EXHIBIT F)

Whereas the Los County Regional Planning Commission approved on May 7, 2010 the development in Marina Del Rey of a 114-unit retirement hotel known as the “Oceana Retirement Facility” on Marina Del Rey Parcel OT (located on unincorporated land governed by the LA County Board of Supervisors between Washington Boulevard and Admiralty Way and between the Marina International Hotel and the Oxford Flood Control Basin), and

Whereas the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has approved a Local Coastal Plan Amendment that changes the proposed use for Parcel OT from public parking to seniors accommodation, and

Whereas on February 17, 2009, the Venice Neighborhood Council passed a resolution (see attached letter: Re-Development of Marina Del Rey Harbor, addressed to the LA County Board of Supervisors, et al. dated March 1, 2009) requesting:

…that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors suspend issuance of development permits and entitlements for any and all land/projects located within Marina del Rey proper until a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report (EIR) complying in full with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is prepared by the County Department of Regional Planning, covering all such proposed or anticipated developments and addressing their environmental impacts on adjacent communities within the City of Los Angeles, or, in the alternative, until a Comprehensive LCP Update consisting of all proposed or anticipated developments within Marina del Rey for purposes of the Project be prepared and submitted to the California Coastal Commission for consideration and approval (a process exempt from CEQA because it is considered to be the functional equivalent of a CEQA compliant EIR),

Whereas on February 17, 2009, the Venice Neighborhood Council also passed a resolution (see attached letter: Development of County Land In Marina Del Rey, dated March 1, 2009) directed to LA City Councilperson Bill Rosendahl, et al, regarding proposed construction of a 114-unit retirement hotel on Marina Del Rey Parcel OT (located on unincorporated land governed by the LA County Board of Supervisors) by Goldrich and Kest, LLC (Senior Partner in MDR Oceana, LLC, the project applicant), that said, in part:

Given the significant impact that the proposed project may have on the Venice community, we ask that you (and those copied on this correspondence) review this project and urge Goldrich & Kest to appear before the VNC’s LUPC to present it to the community. We would also appreciate any information you have – or Regional Planning has – pertaining to the proposed project, such as plans, drawings, surveys, maps, reports and studies (as but a few examples, environmental impact reports and traffic studies), etc.

Whereas the County of Los Angeles declined to prepare a comprehensive EIR or comprehensive LCP update and instead elected to prepare an LCP Amendment for select projects known as the “pipeline projects” and no additional information was received by the Venice Neighborhood Council or its Land Use and Planning Committee regarding development of Parcel OT, and

Therefore be it resolved:

1. The Venice Neighborhood Council asks that the City Councilman representing the 11th City Council District of the City of Los Angeles request that the Los Angeles City Council write to the LA County Board of Supervisors requesting that no development of Parcel OT occur until such a time that the LA City Council is satisfied that any negative impacts within LA City borders arising from such development have been fully analyzed by the County, that all negative impacts be reported in a Public Hearing to the City of Los Angeles and mitigated so that all negative impacts are minimized, and

2. This resolution shall be communicated to Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, the Los Angeles City Council, the Los Angeles City Attorney, the Los County Board of Supervisors, the California Coastal Commission, and MDR Oceana, LLC c/o Goldrich and Kest Industries, LLC.

8. LUPC Business

824 Lincoln Blvd; La Fortuna Market DIR-2009-4040-RV
Motion (EXHIBIT G)
There exists substantial evidence of disregard of the Conditions of Approval set forth DIR-2009-4040-RV and therefore, the Venice Neighborhood Council strongly encourages and supports the revocation of the alcohol license of the subject business, La Fortuna Market.

9. Treasurers Report (20 minutes); Hugh Harrison
[Discussion and possible action to approve financial statements and expenditures]
(EXHIBIT H and Credit Expenditures Report attachment)

10. Governmental Reports (15 min)

● U.S. Representative Office,
● State Assemblyperson Betsy Butler, Representative, Bobbi Buescher (Bobbi.Buescher@asm.ca.gov)
● Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; Joseph Hari, West Area Representative (310-479-3823) (Joseph.Hari@lacity.org)
● City Councilperson Bill Rosendahl: Cecilia Castillo, Field Deputy (310-568-8772); Cecilia.castillo@lacity.org); Arturo Pina, District Director, Arturo.Pina@lacity.org;
● Westside Regional Alliance of Councils: Mike Newhouse, President (mnewhouse@newhouseseroussi.com); Alternate, Carolyn Rios;
● PlancheckNC: VNC Rep Challis Macpherson (Challis.Macpherson@Verizon.net)
● LA Dept of Water & Power/Memoranda of Understanding: VNC Rep DeDe Audet (daudet@ca.rr.com)
● LAPD Community Police Advisory Board: Nicolas Hippisley-Coxe, (hippisley@earthlink.net) Daffodil Tyminski (daffodil.tyminski@venicenc.org)
● LA Alliance of NC’s Representative: Ivan Spiegel, (parliamentarian@venicenc.org)

11. Scheduled Announcements (20 Minutes)

● President: Linda Lucks (president@venicenc.org)
○ Appointment of LAX Expansion Task Force- Volunteers Sought
○ Release by City Attorney of the new draft Ocean Front Walk Ordinance LAMC 42.15 (CF 997-2112,09-2112-S1 http://clkrep.lacity.org/onlinedocs/2011/11-1131.rpt atty 7-12-11.pdf)
○ Venice Post Office Update
● Vice President: Carolyn Rios (VP@venicenc.org)
○ Report on the 5th Annual Venice Community Barbeque, Saturday, July 16, noon-4 p.m.
● Report on Draft Maps of Citizens Redistricting Commission: Marc Saltzberg

● Update from Task Force on proposed Post Office relocation: Amanda Seward & Nancy Feinberg
● Update from Cell Tower Task Force- Jim Murez

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[20 minutes, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

12. Board Member Comments on subject matters within the VNC jurisdiction.
[10 min, no more than 1 minute per person]

13. Adjourn (approx. 10:00PM)

Elementary School (Auditorium)
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 90291
Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 7:00 PM

in Opinion
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