Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has issued 46 citations to 25 businesses since August 30
By Sam Catanzaro
Los Angeles County compliance officers have issued over 45 citations to businesses in violation of COVID-19 regulations this month.
According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, there is significant potential for transmission of COVID-19 at workplaces, making it “critically important” for employers to adhere to the workplace protocols that require infection control, distancing, masking and appropriate PPE for all workers.
Public Health’s compliance team visits businesses across the County every day. Inspectors review County reopening protocols with business owners and ensure they are familiar with all requirements related to disinfection, the use of face coverings, physical distancing, and any other specific required modifications and employee protections.
“Initial efforts of compliance inspections are focused on educating business owners and workers about how to stay safe but can result in citations for non-compliance where businesses are in violation of the Health Officer Order and protocols,” Public Health said.
As a result of inspections conducted since August 30, 46 citations have been issued to 25 establishments. In some cases, these establishments were also closed because there were significant health and safety concerns or flagrant violations of the Health Officer Orders, including operating indoors in violation of the State and County Health Officer Orders.
Public Health has multiple ways for anonymous reporting of violations of Health Officer Orders and protocols in the workplace. Workers or employers can call the Environmental Health Customer Call Center at 888-700-9995, Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays or can make a complaint and report violations online at www.publichealth.lacounty.gov.