The December Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting is scheduled for this Monday, Dec. 15 at 7 pm at the Westminster Elementary School Auditorium, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd.
Note the change from the standing third Tuesday of the month meeting date.
The agenda includes Board request of a Cumulative Impact Study to update environmental analysis last initiated for the 2004 Venice Coastal Zone Specific Plan, discussion on a City Short-Term Rental motion, several neighborhood improvement requests and residential Land Use permit applications.
Key Agenda Items:
– Cumulative Impact Study (update environmental analysis last initiated for the 2004 Venice Coastal Zone Specific Plan)
– City Short-Term Rental motion
– Creation of an Ocean Front Walk Free Expression Advisory Board Ad Hoc Committee
– Neighborhood Improvement Projects including:
* Windward Plaza Pavilion
* Pagoda Beautification
* Traffic Signal Box Art Program “The Power of Art”
* Venice Beach Ice Rink
There is no charge to attend this meeting. It is open to the public. Public comments are encouraged.
A detailed agenda is available online at and at the Abbot Kinney Library, 501 Venice Way, and Beyond Baroque, 681 Venice Blvd.
The VNC normally holds it regular meetings on the third Tuesday of each month and may also call any additional meetings in accordance with its By-Laws and the Brown Act. Snacks and coffee will be provided at the meeting.
Westminster Elementary School Auditorium is located at 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice CA 90291 (enter from Westminster).