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VNC Board Meeting Agenda: 12-18-12

The Venice Neighborhood Council will meet at the Westminster Elementary School Auditorium this evening starting at 7pm.


Meeting agenda:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call (7:00PM – 5 minutes)
a. Meeting called in memory of Chris Plourde’s father, Robert L. Plourde.
b. Congratulations to Venetian Dennis Hathaway, founder of the Coalition to End Billboard Blight for appeals court victory forcing the removal of illegal billboards in Venice and LA.
c. Congratulations to Mariana Aguilar and all those who worked to make the Great Venice Toy Drive a success: 360 toys, books, food, snow, bouncy and more. Who was our secret Santa?

d. Bravo to LAUSD Rep. Steve Zimmer for creating a model program expanding young students’ role in nutrition into the curriculum and passing a resolution giving students more time to eat. L.A. Unified seeks to add nutrition education to the curriculum, give students more of a voice in what’s served and more time to eat.,0,……

2. Approval of the Agenda (7:05PM – 5 minutes)

3. Approval of Outstanding Board minutes (7:10PM – 5 minutes)

4. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (7:15PM —10 minutes)
[5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

5. Consent Calendar (0 minutes)
[No discussion or Public Comment. Items may be removed and they will go to the end of the agenda]

6. Scheduled Announcements (7:25PM – 40 minutes)
[No discussion or Public Comment]

A Public Safety – LAPD Report (10 minutes): Senior Lead Officers Peggy Thusing
(, Kristan Delatori ,Gregg Jacobus, Lt. Paola Kreeft, Beach Detail( This report includes a monthly Venice crime report and updates on law enforcement issues in Venice.

1) Report on LAPD/ Recreation and Parks plan for a pilot program providing a small storage container to store personal gear overnight administered by volunteers for people riding to the Winter Shelter Program.

B PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) (5 minutes) Update on Councilman
Rosendahl’s Roadmap to Homes Program, Joel Roberts,, Tomasz Babiszkiewicz (; This report includes statistics on the number of people placed in permanent and temporary housing as well as the numbers of people in process.

C VNC Monthly Committee Report: Administrative Committee (5 minutes) Linda Lucks [A monthly report on one of the VNC’s standing or Ad Hoc committees.]

The Administrative Committee sets the agendas for Board and Town Hall meetings. It consists of eight Officers, including the President (chair), Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Community Officers. It meets the 2nd Monday each month at Extra Storage Space as 7PM.

D Franchising of Trash Hauling in Los Angeles (10 Minutes) Greg Goode from LAANE
The City Council of Los Angeles has approved (in concept) a Competitive Exclusive Waste & Recycling Franchise System for the city and has ordered the City Attorney to draft an ordinance based on this concept. The proposed system was brought to the City Council by LAANE, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy. LAANE will present the system to the Venice Neighborhood Council to familiarize it with the concept and how it will benefit the City.

E Governmental Reports (10 Minutes)
● U.S. Congress Representative Henry Waxman, Deputy Lisa.Pinto., ● State Senator Ted Lieu, Representative, Veronica Zendejas (<a href="”> 310-318-6994
● State Assemblyperson Steve Bradford , Representative,
● LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, Flora Gill Krisiloff 213-974-3333
● Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; Paola Valdivia, West Area Representative ( 310-479-3823
● Los Angeles County Beaches and Harbors Department,
● City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl: Cecilia Castillo, Field Deputy (310-568-8772); (; Arturo Pina, District Director (

7. Old Business (8:05 – 40 minutes)
[Discussion and possible action.]

A Renewal of Ad Hoc Committees [Exhibit A]
[These committees may be renewed for one year or until the seating of a new Board, whichever is shorter] 1. Discussion Forum 2. Santa Monica Airport
3.Mass and Scale
4. Public Safety * 5. Environment * 6. Visitor Impact * *Mission Statement Pending

B Support for a Citywide Mural Ordinance Cynthia Rogers and Eduardo Manilla, Arts Committee,,
MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council supports Council File #08-0515; 08-1233;
08-0530 to establish an ordinance regulating the application of murals on walls in Los Angeles with the following recommendations:

• Mural art, regardless of medium (whether hand painted or digital) be treated as fine art and
thereby afforded similar protections and allowances to the full extent of this ordinance.
•Further that the 5 unit restriction on placement of murals be lifted to allow for diversity of
placement possibilities whether it be on the backside of a single family unit, a garage door, or
larger scale as with buildings of 5 units more.


8. LUPC (8:45 – 30 minutes); Jake Kaufman on behalf of LUPC

522 Venice Blvd; 12-unit Condo Complex [See Staff Report] MOTION : The Venice Neighborhood Council does not support the proposed development project at 522 Venice Boulevard because the Neighborhood and Community: 1) Does not want public property adjacent to this site sold and or developed for private use, but rather, wants it maintained used as public open space; 2) Requests that any small lot subdivision project that is built on this site requiring affordable units under the Mello Act must provide those units on-site, not off-site at another location: 3) Requests any affordable units built as a part of this sub-division project must be in place on-site and approved as such by the appropriate City of Los Angeles planning, housing and building and safety authorities prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy for this project: 4) Finds the character, mass and scale of the project as presented, not compatible with the existing residential neighborhood within which it resides: 5) Has voiced continued strong opposition to the project’s density as evidenced by the great number of Venice stakeholders who have voiced public concern at the project’s Community Outreach meeting as well as at subsequent LUPC and VNC meetings. MOTION MADE BY SARAH DENNISON, SECONDED BY JAKE KAUFMAN VOTE: 5-0

9. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (9:15 – 5 minutes)
[5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

10. New Business (9:20 – 80 minutes)
[Discussion and possible action]

A Ratification of Recommended Standing Committee Chairs by Ad Com (10 minutes)
1. Rules and Elections – Ira Koslow
2. Education – Bud Jacobs
3. Arts – Cynthia Rogers, Eduardo Manilla
4. Ocean Front Walk – Tom Elliott

B Selection of LUPC members (30 minutes)

Candidates (as of 12/10/12):
Cuffe B. Owens
James Murez
Jay Goldberg
John Reed
Jory Tremblay
Joseph Shields
Luca Iacovoni
Mehrnoosh Mojallali
Mia Herron
Robert Aronson
Robert Schwan
Sarah Dennison
Steve Traeger
Thomas R. Sauer
David Sheldon

To review applications go to:

C Selection of Neighborhood Committee members (30 minutes)
Candidates (as of 12/10/12):
Bill Boyd
Christian Yancy
Colleen Saro
Dede Audet
Gogi Overhoff
Jay Cole
Jeremy Stephen
Jerry Jaffe
Jessica (Coakley) Martinez
Joshua Blacker
Margot Michon
Michael Nelson
Michael Stenger
Nicholas Hippisley-Coxe
Robin Rudisill
Thomas R. Sauer

To review applications go to:

D Creation of Ad Hoc Valet Parking Committee (10 minutes) MOTION: The VNC Board approves the creation of an Ad hoc Valet Parking Committee with the following Mission Statement as approved by AdCom: The Ad Hoc Valet Parking Committee will work with the Venice community to propose a Venice Specific Parking Valet Plan and to interact with City officials to ensure that Venice needs are included in the newly created of the Citywide Valet Parking Ordinance.

11. Treasurers Report (10:40 – 10 minutes); Hugh Harrison (
[Discussion and possible action] [EXHIBIT B]

A MOTION: The VNC Board approves the attached the report on expenditures for the period
October 22 through November 21, 2012, and the itemized purchase card invoice.

B MOTION: The VNC Board approves the revised expenditure reports for the periods July 22
through August 21, 2012, and September 22 through October 21, 2012. These reports have been revised to reflect changes in whether expenses were allocated to unencumbered or encumbered elections and/or facility use. The actual costs have not been changed.

C MOTION: The VNC Board approves the attached report on the entire spending for the election.

D ANNOUNCEMENT: In January, the Budget Committee will be reviewing the 2012-2013
budget to see what re-allocations might be appropriate. If there are items you feel should be included in the budget and are not, please let the Treasurer know before that meeting.

12. VNC Announcements (10:50 – 10 minutes)
● President: Linda Lucks (
○ Board Retreat Task Force – Formed to Create Board Retreat, chaired by Marc Saltzberg. Retreat TBA in February. Announcement of Ad Hoc Committee Chairs.
○ WRAC Representative – Mike Newhouse, Marc Saltzberg (Alternate)
○ LAANC Representative – Ivan Spiegel
○ Valet Ad Hoc Commitjtee – Don Novak, Abbot Kinne y Merchants
● Vice President Marc Saltzberg (
● LA Alliance of NC’s Representative: Ivan Spiegel, (
● Westside Regional Alliance of Neighborhood Councils- Mike Newhouse, President, Marc Saltzberg, VNC Representatives.,,

13. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda [20 minutes, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

14. Board Member Comments on subject matters within the VNC jurisdiction
(11:00 PM — 5 minutes, no more than 1 minute per person)

15. Adjourn (approx. 11:05 PM)


Attachment Size
121218BoardAgenda.pdf 188.77 KB
121218BoardExhibits.pdf 2.11 MB
522 VeniceDRAFT_Staff_Report.pdf 384.06 KB
Dont Waste LA Policy Brief.November 2012.pdf 109.51 KB


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