Remember the post on how the City Council voted unanimously to halt Los Angeles’ controversial red-light camera program? The post that linked to the LA Times article saying “Los Angeles officials say the fines for ticketed motorists are essentially “voluntary” and there are virtually no tangible consequences for those who refuse to pay.” ?
It appears Culver City is not part of all of this! From reader Mel B.:
So I recently got a caught on camera ticket for running a red light on Washington and Beethoven. I saw your post and got all excited. Before deciding to not pay the ticket, I wanted to double check with the city and inquired about it at Santa Monica’s courthouse. I learned the dumbest sh#* ever.. So the city of LA decided to rule out traffic cameras, but Culver City did not… So practically every camera on West Washington is still active and drivers should not ignore those tickets. They are reported to the DMV and fines will double if not payed. Just wanted to let you know!