
On June 30 Los Angeles City officials marked the start of construction on a water treatment facility at Penmar Park that will allow stormwater to be captured and used to irrigate the Venice park, its golf course, and Marine Park in neighboring Santa Monica.
Los Angeles City Mayor Eric Garcetti, Councilmember Mike Bonin, and City public works officials broke ground on a facility that will disinfect, filter, and test water captured in an underground tank at Penmar Park.

The $23.6 million-project is the second phase of the stormwater capture system, which is antici- pated to conserve about 108,000 gallons of potable water per day for irrigation use. The first phase involved the construction of the tank.
Funding for the treatment facility comes from the $500 million Proposition O bond measure that was approved for clean water projects. The system is expected to be completed in 2017.
Garcetti said the project “will help us reduce our dependence on imported water, and give us a model for stormwater projects in L.A. for years to come.”
Bonin said that by “collecting, treating and reusing water here at Penmar, we are showing what that sustainable future can look like through- out Los Angeles and California.”