The search for missing blue pit-bull Lucy continues. It’s been almost 3 weeks since Lucy ran away from her pet-sitter but Lucy’s parents Finn Egan and Antje Hinz show no signs of giving up the search for their beloved fur baby.

In fact not one of the many volunteers who have pitched in to help bring Lucy home are close to giving up. If anything, the hunt for Lucy is only building more steam.
Perez Hilton reported the E! News reporter Maria Menounos has put her star-power into the search, literally. Menouos joining the search party in Venice Beach.
Lucy’s veterinarian Mum Hinz is the Medical Director at Westside Pet Clinic, Menouos is client.

Lucy ran away from her pet sitter 2 weeks ago while Egan and Hinz where away on holidays. Immediately cutting their trip short, Dr Hinz – and her partner Egan jumped on the next plane back to Los Angeles.
“If it wasn’t such a sad experience for us it actually would be beautiful just because of the amount of support we’ve received. From friends, friends of friends, and strangers” says Hinz, a breast cancer survivor who credits her dog Lucy for helping her recover from her illness. All the more reason Hinz and Egan are so desperate to have Lucy come home.
Read the Perez Hilton story here.
Read previous Yo! Venice stories about the search here and here.
Join the Facebook page for updates and information on how you can help the search.