Heads up from the West Los Angeles area crime analysis detail:
Los Angeles Police Department Community alert: West Los Angeles Area
Distraction Burglaries:
The West Los Angeles area has been plagued year to date with six residential burglaries where a male individual poses as a city inspector, construction worker or DWP employee in order to coerce resident out of their house while a second individual enters the residence and steals property, mostly jewelry.
These crimes have occurred in the 2700 block Bagley Ave, 1800 block Barry Ave, 1600 block Comstock Ave, 1900 block Armacost Ave, 10300 block Kewsick Ave and 1500 block Keltoon Ave.
These individuals work in groups of two or more and most times the individual distracting the residence’s occupant will be talking on a cell phone or walkie/talkie, most likely to the second suspect. Be aware of any unfamiliar individual in your residential neighborhood knocking door to door and attempting to engage you in conversation regarding possible home repair, tree trimming or broken water pipes. Always ask any individual identifying themselves as a City or Utility worker for identification.
Call 911 immediately if you suspect an individual at your door is fradulent.
If you have any information regarding these individuals or distraction-type activities, please call the West Los Angeles burglary detectives at the number listed below.
For additional information, please contact West Los Angeles Burglary detectives at (310) 444-1524 or (310) 444 -1522.
Prepared by West Los Angeles crime analysis detail date: 3/8/12 cas#: 08120306-1cc
Suspect from 1800 blk Barry Ave:
Male, white, 5″8″, 160 lbs., late 30s
Wore baseball cap with “city inspector”
Blue windbreaker with “smart meter”
Suspect from 1600 blk comstock ave
Male, hispanic, 5’5″, 160 lbs., mid 40s,
Wore maroon checkered shirt, blue Jeans