October 11, 2024 #1 Local News, Forum, Information and Event Source for Venice Beach, California.

VNC Board Meeting Agenda 2-21-12

The Venice Neighborhood Council will meet tomorrow at the Westminster Elementary School Auditorium from 7-10pm. Read the Board Meeting Agenda below or by clicking here.


1. Call to Order and Roll Call (7:00PM – 5 minutes) The meeting dedicated to the memory of Martha Lonsdale, Mother of VNC Board member, Barbara Lonsdale and Mrs. Doris Dabbs, 95 year old Venice resident, and Diane Butler, wife of Ibrahim, mother of Lani.

Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to former VNC Board member Carolyn Rios by Councilman Rosendahl’s office.

Announcement that LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky has confirmed attendance at the March 20 board meeting.

2. Approval of the Agenda (7:05PM – 5 minutes)

3. Approval of Outstanding Board Minutes (7:10PM – 5 minutes)

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

4. Consent Calendar (7:20PM – 5 minutes) [No discussion or Public Comment. Items may be removed and it will go to the end of the agenda]

A –  Amendment of Standing Rule 4 Ivan Spiegel on behalf of the Neighborhood Committee (parliamentarian@venicenc.org) [EXHIBIT A]

MOTION: The VNC Board approves amendments to Standing Rule 4 (CIP Timeline) to comply with the new City funding regulations.

B –  Endorsement of LA City Council “Move to Amend” the U.S. Constitution Resolution 11-0002-S123 Michele Sutter (mcsvox@verizon.net) [EXHIBIT B]

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council’s endorses the Los Angeles City Council’s non-binding Resolution 11-0002-S123: Corporate Activities in Electoral Processes which was passed by the City Council in a unanimous vote on December 8, 2011.

Letters stating the VNC position shall be sent to: Assemblywoman Betsey Butler, State Senator Ted Lieu, Governor Jerry Brown, Congresswoman Janice Hahn, and Senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein. A letter of endorsement shall also be sent to Move To Amend, Los Angeles.

C Motion to Improve Street Lighting on Speedway Marc Saltzberg on behalf of
the VNC Neighborhood Committee (vicepresident@VeniceNC.org)

MOTION: Whereas, Ocean Front Walk is now subject to a 12AM to 5AM curfew, forcing pedestrian traffic to travel on Speedway (which has no sidewalks) or Pacific (which has no contiguous sidewalk on the west side of the street between Westminster and Washington Blvd) and,

Whereas, the street lighting on Speedway is relatively poor for a route carrying both pedestrian and vehicular traffic without sidewalks;

Therefore, be it resolved, the Venice Neighborhood Council requests that the City of Los Angeles provide, as an emergency measure, improved street lighting on Speedway.


5. Scheduled Announcements (7:25PM –20 minutes) [No discussion or Public Comment]

A POSTPONED Venice NC Town Hall Thursday, February 2/23/12 (1 minute) The Emergence of Silicon Beach – Westminster School Auditorium, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd. 6:30-8:30PM Matt Kline (Matt.kline@Venicenc.org)

B Report On New Rule Changes Affecting LA Beaches, By LA County Board of Supervisors (10 Minutes) Kerry Silverstrom, Deputy Director, LA County Department of Beaches And Harbors. (ksilverstrom@Bh.LACounty.gov) 310-305-9527

C Public Safety – LAPD Report (10minutes): Lt. Paola Kreeft, Venice Beach Detail; Senior Lead Officers Peggy Thusing/Theresa Skinner/Gregg Jacobus, (310-622-3968; 25120@lapd.lacity.org, 35162@lapd.lacity.org, 31142@lapd.lacity.org). This report includes updates on the status enforcement of the OFW Vending ordinance (LAMC 42.15) and new rules regarding the closure of Ocean Front Walk from Midnight to 5 a.m.

D Presentation by LA Department of Sanitation on the proposed Reusable Bag Policy (5 minutes) This proposed ordinance would prohibit the distribution in Los Angeles of single use plastic and paper shopping bags in supermarkets and select retail stores (as described at http://www.zerowaste.lacity.org/info/Bag_Policy.html), Marc Saltzberg, VicePresident@Venicenc.org on behalf of WRAC/

E Public Safety Committee Announcement (5 Minutes) Daffodil Tyminski & Nicolas Hippisley-Coxe, Co-chairs, VNC Public Safety Committee

F PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) (3 minutes) Update on Councilman Rosendahl’s Roadmap to Homes Program, Joel Roberts, Joel.Roberts@epath.org), Tomasz Babiszkiewicz (tomaszb@epath.org)

G Announcement and distribution of 2012-2013 CIP applications Ivan Spiegel
On behalf of the Neighborhood Committee, (add date) (parliamentarian@venicenc.org)

H Governmental Reports (10 Minutes)
● U.S. Congress Representative Janice Hahn, Deputy Natalie Rogers, (Natalie.Rogers@mail.house.gov) 310-831-1799
● State Senator Ted Lieu, Representative, Veronica Zendejas (Veronica.Zendejas@sen.ca.gov) 310-318-6994
● State Assemblyperson Betsy Butler, Representative, Stephanie Romero, Stephanie.Romero@asm.gov 310-615-3515
● Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; Joseph Hari, West Area Representative (Joseph.Hari@lacity.org) 310-479-3823
● City Councilperson Bill Rosendahl: Cecilia Castillo, Field Deputy (310-568-8772); (Cecilia.castillo@lacity.org); Arturo Pina, District Director (Arturo.Pina@lacity.org)

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[5 speakers, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

6. Old Business
[Discussion and possible action]

A Election to fill the board positions of Secretary, Outreach Officer, and
Community Officer
(9:00PM-10 Minutes) [EXHIBIT C]

Kristopher Valentine

Outreach Officer
Matthew Kline

Community Officer
Hershel Gerson
Lisa Green
Joe Murphy

B Mayor’s Budget Survey Linda Lucks (PresidentVNC@gmail.com) (8 minutes)
The board and stakeholders will be asked to fill in hard copies of the budget survey during the 2.21.12 meeting:

The link to the Mayor’s 2012 Community Budget Survey is:

A hard copy of the survey will be available at the meeting and can be found on the Mayor’s budget website at:

7. Land Use and Planning Committee: [Discussion and possible action] No motions this month.

8. New Business
[Discussion and possible action]

A Election to fill the position of Sub-Area 7 (Oakwood-Millwood-Southeast
Venice) on the Neighborhood Committee Marc Saltzberg (vicepresident@VeniceNC.org) [EXHIBIT D]

MOTION: To approve Margaret Michon to fill the position of Sub-Area 7
(Oakwood-Millwood-Southeast Venice) on the Neighborhood Committee

Assuming Margaret Michon is elected, the following new members of the Neighborhood Committee are introduced to the Board and the Venice Community:
● Jerry Jaffe to assist in Sub-Area 7, Oakwood-Millwood-Southeast Venice, to represent the Millwood neighborhood.
● Tom Sauer to assist in Sub-Area 6, North Venice, to represent the NoRo area between the Beach and 4th.

B Overview of JFS Services for Seniors in Venice Monica Dunahee on behalf of the Jewish Family Service (mdunahee@jfsla.org) [EXHIBIT E]

MOTION: The VNC shall grant permission for the Jewish Family Service to include a one-page flier with the VNC Newsletter, which is delivered door-to-door. The flier will provide an overview of services available to seniors in Venice and phone numbers for each service.

C Approval of new Election Task Force recommendations Ivan Spiegel, Venice Representative on behalf of (Los Angeles Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (LAANCC)(parliamentarian@venicenc.org)

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council Board of Officers approves the recommendations from the Election Task Force concerning the upcoming NC elections and will transmit their recommendations to appropriate LA City officials and Departments.

1. Election Task Force recommends that Neighborhood Councils will run their own elections or selections at such time, place, and manner of their choice with assistance of the Department Of Neighborhood Empowerment (Department) as it is capable.
2. Election Task Force encourages Neighborhood Councils to run elections cooperatively and, if desired, to conduct regional elections with the assistance of the Department.
3. Regions are to be established by Neighborhood Councils and their regional alliances.
4. Neighborhood Council elections or selections should be monitored or overseen by a trained, independent third party.
5. Election Task Force requests the City Council to allocate in the FY 2012-13 budget, the amount of $650,000 to the Department for additional staffing and resources for the Neighborhood Council election process.
6. Election Task Force requests that the City Council expedite the process for contracting Independent Election Administrators and staffing associated with Neighborhood Council elections which should not exceed 60 days.
7. Election Task Force recommends to Neighborhood Councils the inclusion of independent poll watchers as part of their elections.
8. Election challenges must be heard and decided by arbiters hired and paid for by the Department.

D Hines/Bergamot Project

1. LA City Review of Hines/Bergamot Project and Master EIR Request Mike
Newhouse & Marc Saltzberg on behalf of WRAC (marc.saltzberg@VeniceNC.org) [EXHIBIT F]
MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council supports the Motion of Councilman Bill Rosendahl (see: http://cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkconnect/index.cfm?fa=ccfi.viewrec…) that the City of LA review the DEIR for the Bergamot Transit Village project proposed for the site of the PaperMate Pen factory in Santa Monica (at 26th and Olympic); and

Further, because the 140-acre Bergamot Area is presently being planned by the City of Santa Monica under a HUD Grant, the Venice Neighborhood Council supports the need for a comprehensive EIR, to be prepared by the City of Santa Monica, that fully considers the regional impacts on the City of Los Angeles and that takes into account the cumulative impact of all the major development projects pending in this area as shown on Exhibit F.

2. Board to support Councilman Rosendahl’s resolution regarding the Hines/Bergamot project Jake Kaufman on behalf of LUPC. [EXHIBIT G]

MOTION: The Venice Neighborhood Council supports Councilman Rosendahl’s resolution regarding the Hines/Bergamot project and will take no position on the WRAC motion (8F1).

Approved by LUPC 5-0 (note Steve Traeger recused himself as he works for City of Santa Monica and has been involved in the project).

9. VNC Announcements (10:30PM-10 Minutes)
● President: Linda Lucks (president@venicenc.org)
○ Announcement of VNC Board Retreat: March 18 at The Canal Club, hours TBD. Accept volunteers for Retreat Committee
● Vice President Marc Saltzberg (Vicepresident@Venicenc.org)
● LA Alliance of NC’s Representative: Ivan Spiegel, (parliamentarian@venicenc.org)
● Plancheck NC: VNC Rep Challis Macpherson (Challis.Macpherson@Verizon.net)
● LA Dept of Water & Power/Memoranda of Understanding: VNC Rep DeDe Audet (daudet@ca.rr.com)
● LAPD Community Police Advisory Board: Daffodil Tyminski (Daffodil.Tyminski@Venicenc.org), Nicolas Hippisley-Coxe, (hippisley@earthlink.net)
● Westside Alliance of Neighborhood Councils- Mike Newhouse, President, Marc Saltzber, VNC Representatives.

10. Treasurers Report (10:40-PM – 5 minutes); Hugh Harrison [EXHIBIT H]
[Discussion and possible action to approve financial statements and

A Attached are the report on expenditures for the period December 22, 2011,
through January 21, 2012, and the itemized purchase card invoice.

Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[20 minutes, no more than 1 minute per person – no Board member announcements permitted]

11. Board Member Comments on subject matters within the VNC jurisdiction (11:00PM – 5 min, no more than 1 minute per person]

12. Adjourn (approx. 11:00PM)

BOARD MEETINGS: The Venice Neighborhood Council holds its regular meetings on the third Tuesday of the month and may also call any additional required special meetings in accordance with its Bylaws and the Brown Act. All are welcome to attend.
TRANSLATION Services: Si requiere servicios de traducción, favor de notificar a la oficina 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) antes del evento. Si necesita asistencia con esta notificación, por favor llame a nuestra oficina 213.473.5391.
POSTING: The agenda and non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board members in advance of regular and special meetings may be viewed at Groundworks Coffee (671 Rose Ave.), Penmar Park (1341 Lake St), Beyond Baroque (681 Venice Blvd), the Venice Library (501 S. Venice Blvd), Oakwood Recreation Center (767 California St.), The Venice Ale House (425 Ocean Front Walk), and the VNC website (http://www.venicenc.org), or at the scheduled meeting. For a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact the VNC secretary at secretary@venicenc.org.

PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any Old or New Business item on the agenda and the Treasurer’s Report. Comments from the public on these agenda items will be heard only when that item is being considered. Comments from the public on other agenda matters or on matters not appearing on the agenda but within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to two (2) minutes per speaker, unless modified by the presiding officer of the Board. No new speaker cards will be accepted once Public Comment has begun.

DISABILITY POLICY: The Venice Neighborhood Council complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not discriminate on the basis of any disability. Upon request, the Venice Neighborhood Council will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request.

Westminster Elementary School (Auditorium)
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 90291
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM

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