On Tuesday, March 15th at 7pm, The Venice Neighborhood Council will hear a report from Councilman Rosendahl’s office about 85.11, a proposed new law which will allow people to sleep in their vehicles in Venice (Council District 11). 85.11 will change the existing law 85.02, which prohibits sleeping in your vehicle on City streets.
85.11 has been proposed to allow RV Dwellers to sleep on city streets while specifically being enrolled in the “Roadmap to Housing” (aka the “Streets to Homes”) program. Critics say that changing 85.02 is a “slippery slope” that may create legalized “RV parks” on the streets of Venice.
Critics of 85.11 also point out that it is unacceptable that this law only be made for Council District 11, which includes Venice, rather than the entire City of Los Angeles. Critics say that if it were put forth for the entire City, it would most certainly be voted down, but since Venice has active and vocal social service industry lobby groups (including a Neighborhood Council Board largely comprised of members with social service industry ties) they may be able to get it passed for Council District 11.
Further concerns against 85.11 that have been raised are that it will allow legalized RV Dwelling 50 feet from residential housing, the LAPD has not been consulted about which, if any, streets they would find acceptable for the program and lack of community input on where the program may place these vehicles.
It is likely that any attempted change to 85.02 will result in a collective of Venice property owners bringing suit against the City of Los Angeles, as the proposed legalization of sleeping on City streets will certainly devalue any property that has a legalized “RV Zone” placed in close proximity to it. Homeowners concerned with the values of their properties and safety of their streets have been called “haters” and “gentrifiers” by social service lobbyists.
Click here to read more about the proposed 85.11.
From The Venice Neighborhood Council:
VNC to Consider Proposed Changes to Westminster Elementary School Campus
The Venice Neighborhood Council will hear from its Education Committee regarding LAUSD’s decision to temporarily allocate four rooms from the Westminster elementary school campus to a charter middle school that is seeking space. The Board will consider a motion brought by parents and activists opposing the co- location of the middle school on Westminster’s campus. LAUSD School Board Member Steve Zimmer (at the meeting to give a presentation on “the state of education in… Venice and Mar Vista”) will listen-in on the discussion, which is expected to draw parents, children, teachers and representatives from Westminster Elementary, other local and charter schools, and LAUSD.
The discussion and motion will be heard at the VNC’s regularly scheduled Board of Officers meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 in the Westminster Elementary School Auditorium, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd. starting at 7:00PM.
In other business, the VNC will hear a presentation from City Council District 11 staff member Arturo Piña on possible revisions to LA City Ordinance 85.02 (which prohibits sleeping in vehicles). The revision (expected to be a new ordinance replacing 85.02) is scheduled for a hearing by the City’s Transportation Committee on March 23rd. The presentation, including an update on the Vehicles to Homes contract between Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) and People Assisting the Homeless (PATH), will take the form of a report to the Neighborhood Council; no discussion will be heard at the VNC’s March 8th board meeting. Note: Depending on the report and proposed revisions to 85.02, a special meeting of the VNC may be called in advance of the City’s Transportation Committee meeting to hear from the public and to consider motions.
Two motions from the VNC’s Land Use and Planning Committee will be considered by the Board; one to approve a beer-and-wine beverage license for Santino’s Restaurant, at 1611 Pacific, and one to approve the legalization and continued use of a 7-unit building at 14 Jib on the Marina Del Rey Peninsula originally constructed in 1975 as 2-unit building with guest rooms.
Additional reports and motions will be heard regarding the City’s budget problems as they relate to Neighborhood Council funding and possible revisions to City procedures for Neighborhood Council elections (aimed at reducing the cost of such elections).
Snacks and coffee will be provided.
A detailed agenda will be posted on the internet at www.VeniceNC.org and at posting places in the community.
There is no charge for this event. It is open to the public. Comments are encouraged.
What: Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting
Where: Westminster Elementary School Auditorium, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd (enter from Westminster)
When: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Time: 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM Contact: Outreach@VeniceNC.org or call 310-421-8627