July 27, 2024 #1 Local News, Forum, Information and Event Source for Venice Beach, California.

VNC Administrative Committee Meeting Agenda 8-9-10

The Venice Neighborhood Council Administrative Committee will meet on August 9th, 2010 at Extra Space Storage (658 South Venice Blvd). The agenda can be seen by clicking here, or be seen “after the jump”.

VNC 500

Administrative Committee Meeting Agenda
Extra Space Storage, Presidents Row Room
658 South Venice Blvd, Venice, 90291
Monday, August 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM

Note: (i) The Administrative Committee does not address or consider the merits of proposed agenda items. Its function is to determine whether a proposed agenda item will be placed on the next Board meeting agenda, postponed, referred to a specific committee for review and recommendation, treated as an announcement, or considered and resolved as a non-Board administrative matter. (ii) The Administrative Committee has the discretion to reorder consideration of matters on the agenda to accommodate stakeholders or for other reasons. (iii) Unless otherwise noted, the President abstains on all votes.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Approval of the Administrative Committee Agenda

3. Approval of any outstanding Administrative Committee minutes submitted by the Secretary
July 07, 2010 Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes
(see http://venicenc.org/files/100712VNCAdComMinutes.doc)

4. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[10 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no Administrative Committee member announcements permitted]

5. Old Administrative Committee Business

A Community Impact Statement Template: edit? See AdCom Exhibit A

6. New Administrative Committee Business

A Administrative matters:

(i) Agenda Request Reply to Sender To avoid ‘did you get it’ inquiries.

ACTION TAKEN Postponed to 100809 Administrative Committee Meeting

(ii) Speaker Card & Agenda Request Drafts: Suggestions from Hugh Harrison See AdCom Exhibit B
(iii) Location of Future AdCom Meetings: Linda Lucks
(iv) Consideration of Time in Preparing Board Agenda: Carolyn Rios
(v) Records Request for All LUPC Minutes: Bruce Birch May 9, 2010 request
(vi) Create ‘Compliance Review & Conditions Follow Up’ Ad Hoc Committee
Challis Macpherson (challis.macpherson@Verizon.net) at the request of VNC President, Linda Lucks: The Board of Officers of the VNC moves to support and approve President Linda Lucks’ proposal to create a Compliance Review and Conditions Follow Up Ad Hoc Committee to be chaired by Challis Macpherson with termination at the end of current board term, or at the request of VNC President.

Through the years the VNC Board of Officers has recommended policies on societal, political and land use issues with appended conditions in accordance with the wishes of Venice stakeholders. Compliance with these recommendations and the conditions set upon them has seldom if ever been followed up. This proposed Ad Hoc Committee would research and report compliance, partial or whole, with these conditions attached to the project/issue to the Venice Neighborhood Council’s Board of Officers and Venice stakeholders. Reports by this committee to be compiled and submitted as needed at monthly VNC Board meetings.

Recommended enforcement of non compliance rests with the Venice Neighborhood Council’s Board of Officers only, and not with this committee.

This committee will not make, or will be required to make, any recommendations for action by any governmental body or entity. This responsibility totally rests with the VNC Board of Officers. If requested by the VNC President, the committee will render an opinion only.

MISSION STATEMENT: To research, record and track those projects and/or issues in which the Venice Neighborhood Council’s Board of Officers has placed conditions prior to recommended approval of those projects/issues.

(vii) Approve formation of Ad Hoc Public Safety Committee
Heidi Roberts & Nic Hippesley-Cox (310-869-7880; heidiroberts@mac.com) on behalf of Ad Hoc Public Safety Committee (in formation): Approve formation of Ad Hoc Public Safety Committee whose proposed mission statement is:The Public Safety committee researches, develops and shares information and ideas on how Venice residents can increase safety within their communities. It will work to provide education and tools to support the creation of neighborhood-led action groups and will help work with city and law enforcement officials to advise and aid in crime prevention. The committee will also coordinate with city, county and state organizations to gather and share information on how Venice residents can stay safer in the event of a natural disaster.

(viii) Outreach Matters (Marc Saltzberg)

1. At the present time, VNC Assets are located in at least 3 different locations: – Xtra Space Storage Locker – Challis Macpherson’s house (scanner and printer) – Brennan Lindner’s house (computer and projector)

There may be other assets located at other locations. I suggest we appoint an Asset Manager to ensure that all assets are inventoried and available to support the VNC’s mission when needed.

2. The Outreach Committee passed the following motion:
The backlog of data entry for VNC mailing list, including two elections, the BBQ, and the accumulated lists for the last 8 months be entered into our stakeholder database not later than October 1, 2010.

3. Announcement: The next Town Hall will be held on 10/21/2010. No subject has been determined yet – we’re waiting for prioritization of retreat suggested topics.

4. Posting Locations are being reviewed. We hope to have recommendations for the Board at it’s September meeting.

(ix) Parliamentarian Issue

Article VIII Meetings

F. Governing Parliamentary Authority: Robert’s Rules of Order (current version) shall serve as the Governing Parliamentary Authority of the Venice Neighborhood Council. An unbiased Parliamentarian may be appointed by the President to assist in the resolution of parliamentary issues. In the case of conflict between these Bylaws and the Governing Parliamentary Authority, these Bylaws shall prevail.


I bring your attention to the above excerpt from the VNC Bylaws and ask you if it is proper to appoint a Parliamentarian(s) that is (are) currently serving on VNC Committees?

My understanding of the Parliamentarian’s role is to provide an unbiased, unaffiliated role in the resolution of parliamentary issues. The Parliamentarian(s) assistance should not be conflicted with the role that he/she may have with VNC Committees. It would seem that in the interest of full disclosure and fair play that the Parliamentarian should be subject to at least the same requirement as VNC Board members to announce any ex parte communications.

I am interested in your view of the matter and look forward to your response and opinion.

Bruce Birch

B Consideration of DRAFT August 17, 2010 Board Agenda

7. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda

[10 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no Administrative Committee member announcements permitted]

8. Adjourn

Draft – Board of Officers Meeting Agenda
Westminster Elementary School (Auditorium)
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 90291
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 7:00 PM

BOARD MEETINGS: The Venice Neighborhood Council holds its regular meetings on the third Tuesday of the month and may also call any additional required special meetings in accordance with its Bylaws and the Brown Act. All are welcome to attend.
TRANSLATION Services: Si requiere servicios de traducción, favor de notificar a la oficina 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) antes del evento. Si necesita asistencia con esta notificación, por favor llame a nuestra oficina 213.473.5391.
POSTING: The agenda and non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board members in advance of regular and special meetings may be viewed at Groundworks Coffee (671 Rose Ave Venice, CA 90291), Abbots Habit (1401 Abbot Kinney Blvd. Venice, CA 90291), the Venice Library (501 South Venice Boulevard, Venice, CA 90291), Oakwood Recreation Center (767 California St. Venice, CA 90291), the VNC website (http://www.venicenc.org), or at the scheduled meeting. For a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact the VNC secretary at secretary@venicenc.org.
PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any Old or New Business item on the agenda and the Treasurer’s Report. Comments from the public on these agenda items will be heard only when that item is being considered. Comments from the public on other agenda matters or on matters not appearing on the agenda but within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to two (2) minutes per speaker, unless modified by the presiding officer of the Board.
DISABILITY POLICY: The Venice Neighborhood Council complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not discriminate on the basis of any disability. Upon request, the Venice Neighborhood Council will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request.

1. Call to Order & Roll Call

2. Approval of the Agenda

3. Approval of outstanding minutes submitted by Secretary

July 20, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
(see http://venicenc.org/files/100720VNCBoardMinutes.doc)
[Committee Reports are provided in written form when available]

4. Consent Calendar

A LUPC De Minimis Projects See Exhibit A
Jake Kaufman (Jake@Jake90291.com) on behalf of LUPC: Request that VNC Board of Officers send the VNC Standing Rule 5A Form Letter, stating No Opinion & No Recommendation Without Prejudice, regarding entitlement applications listed in Exhibit A.

5. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[10 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no board member announcements permitted]

6. Treasurers Report accept report as presented See Exhibit A

Hugh Harrison (310-487-2533; chezhaha@aol.com) on behalf of the Budget Committee:
1. Attached is the report on expenditures for July 2010. Also attached is a copy of the monthly purchase card billing for the VNC with notations as to the purpose for each expenditure.
2. DONE has mandated that all Neighborhood Councils adopt a budget within a specific template or framework. The budget previously adopted by the Council for 2010-2011. The budget committee has proposed a budget that basically takes the previously approved budget and reassigns the amounts allocated in the categories established by the template. Changes to the budget based on this new format are:
a. The already approved budget “assumed” a roll-over of $25,000. DONE has established the actual roll-over at $24,259.35.
b. As last year’s retreat occurred in this fiscal year, the amount expended in July for the retreat has been added to the budget for this year’s retreat.
c. The differences from both of these changes are reflected in the amount of funds available for community improvement projects.
d. The Budget Committee voted unanimously to submit the following motion: The Venice Neighborhood Council approves the attached budget in conformity with the DONE template.

7. Scheduled Announcements (no more than 1 minute per report unless otherwise stated)

A VNC Announcements
• President: Linda Lucks (310-505-4220; president@venicenc.org)
• Vice President: Carolyn Rios (310-821-7922; VP@venicenc.org)

B Governmental Reports
• State Assemblyperson Ted Lieu: Jennifer Zivkovic, Field Representative (310-615-3515; Jennifer.zivkovic@asm.ca.gov)
• Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa: Jennifer Badger, West Area Representatives (310-479-3823; jennifer.badger@lacity.org)
• City Councilperson Bill Rosendahl: Arturo Piña, Field Deputy (310-568-8772; arturo.pina@lacity.org)
• LAPD: Officer Peggy Thusing, Senior Lead Officer (310-622-3968; 25120@lapd.lacity.org)
• WRAC: Mike Newhouse (310-795-3768; mnewhouse@newhouseseroussi.com)
• PlancheckLA: VNC Representative Challis Macpherson (310-822-1729; Challis.Macpherson@Verizon.net)
• LADWP/MOU: VNC Representative DeDe Audet (310-251-1054; daudet@ca.rr.com)
• Community Improvement Projects: Ivan Spiegel (310-821-9556; ivan13147@verizon.net)

8. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[10 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no board member announcements permitted]

9. Old Business

Discussion and possible action regarding the following matters

A Parking – Food Truck and related issues See Exhibit B Jed Pauker, Robin Rudisill (310.827.0144; gojednet-parkingAbK@yahoo.com): Whereas our community’s first priority is the safety of our residents and visitors, Be it resolved that the VNC Board of Officers make the following recommendations: Request our CD11 representative by letter [Exhibit _, attached] to direct the City Attorney to present to the City Council forthwith an Ordinance per Council File 09-0206 (http://cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkconnect/index.cfm?fa=ccfi.viewrec…), establishing a valet permit parking program in the City of Los Angeles.

ACTION TAKEN Postponed to 100809 Administrative Committee Meeting

B Formation of VNC Ad Hoc Public Safety Committee Heidi Roberts & Nicolas Hippisley-Coxe (310-415-6504; heidiroberts@mac.com) on behalf of Public Safety Ad Hoc Committee: Request that the Board endorse the formation of the VNC Ad Hoc Public Safety Committee. Mission: To make our Venice neighborhoods safer through education, awareness and action. The Board liaison is Daffodil Tyminski.

ADCOM ACTION TAKEN Postponed to 100809 Administrative Committee Meeting

C Emptying of Venice’s sidewalk trash receptacles
Stewart Oscars (310-305-8248; Stewart.Oscars@VeniceNC.org): I believe that Venice is the Number 2 tourist destination in California. This influx of tourists to Venice brings a large sales tax revenue to the State, County, and City. This influx of tourists results in a large amount of trash being left in Venice. So much so that the sidewalk trash receptacles in and around the beach area, and Abbot Kinney, overflow quite regularly. Venice needs increased sidewalk trash receptacle pick up. Therefore, I move that the Venice Neighborhood Council lobby the appropriate governmental agencies to increase the schedule of the emptying of Venice’s sidewalk trash receptacles to match the trash being deposited in them. The money should be available from the sale tax receipts generated here in Venice. This lobbying could be done by a VNC Board member.
ADCOM ACTION TAKEN Postponed to 100809 Administrative Committee Meeting

D REC Motion to replace Standing Rule 7 See Exhibit C
Ira Koslow (310-392-0868; ira.koslow@venicenc.org) on behalf of REC

ACTION TAKEN Postponed to 100809 Administrative Committee Meeting

10. New Business

Discussion and possible action regarding the following matters

A Turning “Trash Talk” into Action
Carolyn Rios (310-821-7922 crlynrios@ca.rr.com) VNC Vice-president:

Whereas: Many of us are receiving many and more complaints, and our neighborhoods have become trashier – Rose Ave. Venice Blvd, Lincoln, Windward, Washington, AK BLvd, OFW, etc

Whereas: Problem is exacerbated now by mandatory city furloughs affecting trash pick-up.

Whereas: We need a coordinated solution from everyone, business, artists, environmental activists, students, residents

Question: What can we do??

Answer: A Clean-up Campaign:

I move that the Administrative Committee & Board mandate that all pertinent committees start work on a Venice Clean-up Campaign.

The Environmental Committee can start a campaign relating trash to pollution, health, oceans, whatever works, The Arts Committee can get artists, students, neighborhoods to make Trash Bins a noticeable piece of art. Not sure how to pay for more trash bins. The Neighborhoods and Business coordinator can get neighbors, schools, businesses to be more willing to empty the trash into their own bin more often. We can encourage residents to clean up their own sidewalk and street.

The Venice Neighborhood Council can coordinate one big, or many smaller monthly clean-ups, coordinating with Whole Foods who already do this, CD 11 who will work with us, Neighborhood Associations, and Business communities.

If the VNC coordinates “cleaning up Venice” in six months there will be a noticeable difference. People will start to be more careful. It’s frustrating to realize that most of this trash is generated by inconsiderate tourists, homeless, or in my area, people who come to use the park, but WE LIVE HERE, so in the end, if we don’t like it we need to work together.

Carolyn Rios
Venice Neighborhood Council

B Motion In Opposition to Residential Sidewalk Liability Ordinance
Mike Newhouse (310-795-3768; mnewhouse@newhouseseroussi.com) on behalf of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC): For the committee’s information, more info on the ordinance can be found at


Whereas nearly half of all sidewalks in the City of Los Angeles are in need of repair, and these sidewalks cause injury to those who walk on the sidewalks and subjects the city to liability, and

Whereas the City of Los Angeles is facing a serious budget shortfall, and

Whereas, an Ordinance has been drafted (CF 05-1383-S1) that would Amend Subsection (e) of Section 62.104 of the LAMC to transfer liability and responsibility to property owners for repair of curbs, driveways and sidewalks due to tree root damage; and

Whereas the City does not allow the adjoining property owners to remove the root cause of the sidewalk damage, i.e. the offending trees, and

Whereas the Venice Neighborhood Council (“VNC”) is desirous of promoting both tree-lined streets and safe sidewalks;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the VNC:

1. Opposes the proposed ordinance as it is currently written.

2. Opposes any transfer of liability for slip and fall accidents on the sidewalk to the adjoining property owner.

3. Requests that there be adequate time for review and comment by Neighborhood and Community Councils.

4. Sends a letter to Councilman Rosendahl and the Mayor’s office memorializing passage of this motion.

5. Files a Community Impact Statement memorializing this motion.

6. Requests that the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (“WRAC”) votes to also support this motion at its next general meeting.


Dear Councilman Rosendahl:

The following motion was passed by the Venice Neighborhood Council (“VNC”), by a vote of ________ at its regularly noticed meeting on August 17, 2010.

“Whereas nearly half of all sidewalks in the City of Los Angeles are in need of repair, and these sidewalks cause injury to those who walk on the sidewalks and subjects the city to liability, and

Whereas the City of Los Angeles is facing a serious budget shortfall, and

Whereas, an Ordinance has been drafted (CF 05-1383-S1) that would Amend Subsection (e) of Section 62.104 of the LAMC to transfer liability and responsibility to property owners for repair of curbs, driveways and sidewalks due to tree root damage; and

Whereas the City does not allow the adjoining property owners to remove the root cause of the sidewalk damage, i.e. the offending trees, and

Whereas the Venice Neighborhood Council (“VNC”) is desirous of promoting both tree-lined streets and safe sidewalks;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the VNC:

1. Opposes the proposed ordinance as it is currently written.

2. Opposes any transfer of liability for slip and fall accidents on the sidewalk to the adjoining property owner.

3. Requests that there be adequate time for review and comment by Neighborhood and Community Councils.

4. Sends a letter to Councilman Rosendahl and the Mayor’s office memorializing passage of this motion.

5. Files a Community Impact Statement memorializing this motion.

6. Requests that the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (“WRAC”) votes to also support this motion at its next general meeting.

We hope that we can count on you strong opposition to Ordinance CF 05-1383-S1.


Linda Lucks, President
Venice Neighborhood Council

Community Impact Statement

Ordinance CF 05-1383-S1 would Amend Subsection (e) of Section 62.104 of the LAMC to transfer liability and responsibility to property owners for repair of curbs, driveways and sidewalks due to tree root damage. The Venice Neighborhood Council:

1. Opposes the proposed ordinance as it is currently written.

2. Opposes any transfer of liability for slip and fall accidents on the sidewalk to the adjoining property owner.

3. Requests that there be adequate time for review and comment by Neighborhood and Community Councils.

C Mechanical Parking Lifts – Request to Amend City Ordinance
John Henning (323-655-6171; jhenning@planninglawgroup.com) on behalf of 1311 A.K. Properties LLC for LUPC and Board Action: A Venice restaurateur is proposing three 4-level, 30-foot tall outdoor mechanical parking lifts to satisfy the parking requirements for a new restaurant on a small parcel on Abbot Kinney Boulevard, which is across the street from residences. This project highlights the urgent need to amend an existing city ordinance that allows such lifts. Presently, the ordinance does not contain any specifications for such lifts, and does not provide any other requirements for such lifts, such as that they be staffed by trained operators or with sufficient valets, or have sufficient room on-site to move cars in and out of the lifts, and does not require that neighbors be protected from the noise and visual effects of lifts. The proposed motion would request that the City adopt an amendment to the ordinance imposing these requirements, and subjecting all proposals for such lifts to a discretionary review by the Zoning Administrator, and further that the City adopt a one-year moratorium on such lifts in Venice in order to allow for the drafting of the amended ordinance.


Moved, that the Venice Neighborhood Council request that the City of Los Angeles immediately take the following actions:

A. Adopt, as an urgency ordinance, an amendment to Section 12.21.A.5.m of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, requiring that all proposals for mechanical automobile lifts used for required parking be subject to a discretionary review by the Zoning Administrator, with a public hearing and notice to a 500-foot radius, and specifying standards to ensure that the lifts actually operate to provide the required parking, and that neighbors are protected from the negative impacts of such lifts. The standards shall include: (1) physical specifications for the lifts themselves, demonstrating that all levels of the lifts are adequate to accommodate passenger cars of all sizes; (2) an affidavit requiring the property owner to provide trained operators for the lifts and sufficient valet parking attendants to simultaneously operate all vehicles removed from the lifts or adjoining spaces; (3) sufficient room on-site for all vehicles removed from the lifts to wait while other cars are removed from the lifts; (4) minimum distance from residences and residential neighborhoods, to protect against noise impacts; (5) a maximum height of three levels for outdoor lifts; (6) a maximum height of two levels when the lift is visible from any public right-of-way or residence, in order to mitigate visual impacts; (7) for high-turnover uses such as restaurants, a maximum height of two levels, with no obstruction by surface parking spaces; (8) an affidavit requiring the property owner to cease the approved use during any time when the lifts cease to operate; (9) a one-year review and public hearing by the Zoning Administrator to ensure the lifts are operating properly and without adverse impacts on the neighborhood, at which additional conditions may be imposed or the grant revoked.

B. Adopt a moratorium on the approval by the City of any mechanical parking lift in the Venice neighborhood for one year, to allow for the drafting and passage of the above urgency ordinance.

Community Impact Statement

The motion would have a positive impact on the community. It would protect neighbors and the neighborhood from a rapid intensification of uses that would otherwise result from unregulated use of such parking lifts to satisfy parking requirements. It would also protect neighbors from the visual and noise impacts of such lifts.

Opposition Rationales

This issue has not been addressed by the VNC. We are unaware of any specific opposition rationale. However, undoubtedly individual property owners seeking to intensify the use on their properties, such as to allow new restaurants, stand to benefit economically from the absence of standards and discretionary review for mechanical parking lifts, because this would facilitate their projects.

D LUPC Staff Report regarding Café Windward at 22-28 Windward (ZA 2010-510 PAB SPP CUB)
Jake Kaufman, LUPC Chair () on behalf of LUPC: Motion to recommend the project as presented noting:
An increase in hours – M-W 11:30a-11:30p, Thrs-Sat 930a-2am and Sunday 9:30a-12am
An increase in seating from 70-84,
That the project meet BMP,
And no exemptions or variances for parking.
Approved (7-0-0)
Date of Motion: July 14, 2010

E LUPC Staff Report regarding Biga Restaurant at 533 Rose Avenue (ZA-2009-1115-CUB-CU-CDP-SPP-MEL)
Jake Kaufman, LUPC Chair () on behalf of LUPC: Motion to recommend the project as presented noting:
Bike rack,
That the project meet BMP,
Hours of 9AM-11PM weekdays and 9AM- 12 midnight on Friday and Saturday.
No deliveries before 8:30 AM on weekdays or 10AM on weekends.
Made by Susan Papadakis,
Seconded by Kelly Li/Rob Aronson.
Approved (6-0-0)
John Reed recused.
Date of Motion: July 14, 2010

11. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[10 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no board member announcements permitted]

12. Board Member Comments on subject matters within the VNC jurisdiction.
[10 min, no more than 1 minutes per person]

13. Adjourn (approx 10:00PM)

AdCom Exhibit A – Community Impact Statement Template

COUNCIL FILE ___(.. council file number here…)

Username: Venice NC3
Password: cmacphereson

To: Office of the City Clerk Los Angeles City Hall 200 N. Spring St., Rm 360 Los Angeles,. CA 90012

Re: Council File Number: Planning Case Number: Dept of Building & Safety Case Number:

DATE here



President, Venice Neighborhood Council

CC: patrice.lattimore@lacity.org (for input to City Council) Secretary@VeniceNC.org Chair-LUPC@VeniceNC.org

AdCom Exhibit B – Speaker Cards

City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Board members are elected officials of the City of Los Angeles PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Regarding Agenda Item # __________ I would like to speak _In Favor _Against ___General Comment Or, In lieu of speaking, I would like to record my opinion: ____In Favor of Project/Issue ____Against Project/Issue (All in-lieu opinions will be tallied and announced prior to a vote on this item) NAME: ________________________________________________ Today’s Date: ____________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________Telephone:_____________ Affiliation:______________________________________________________ (Self, city employee, lobbyist, neighborhood association, business, organization, etc.) Venice Neighborhood Council Board and All Standing Committees:

Administrative, Neighborhood, Rules & Elections, Budget, Finance & Fundraising, Outreach & Event Planning,
LUPC, and

____ Check here if you are a paid speaker and provide client information on the back of this form. Notice to lobbyists: If you are receiving compensation to make this appearance, the City of Los Angeles’s Municipal Lobbying Ordinance (LAMC Section 48.01 et seq., as amended) may require you to register and report your lobbying activity. For more information, contact City Ethics Commission 213.978.1960, or www.lacity.org/ethics.

City of Los Angeles

Neighborhood Council Board members are elected officials of the City of Los Angeles PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA

NAME: __________________________________ Today’s Date: _________ Affiliation:______________________________________________________
(Self, city employee, lobbyist, neighborhood association, business, organization, etc.)
____ Check here if you are a paid speaker and provide client information on the back of this form. Notice to lobbyists: If you are receiving compensation to make this appearance, the City of Los Angeles’s Municipal Lobbying Ordinance (LAMC Section 48.01 et seq., as amended) may require you to register and report your lobbying activity. For more information, contact City Ethics Commission 213.978.1960, or www.lacity.org/ethics.
If you wish to have the subject of your General Comment placed on a future meeting agenda, an agenda request is required. (Copies and instructions are available at www.venicenc.org/AdCom or can be requested at the Board meeting). If you need help with the agenda request, please include your contact information below.


Venice Neighborhood Council Board and All Standing Committees:

Administrative, Neighborhood, Rules & Elections, Budget, Finance & Fundraising, Outreach & Event Planning,
LUPC, and

Exhibit A – Treasurers Report

2010 – 2011 Expenditures to Budget July 2010 DONE
Category Current Yr Budget by Acct % of Bdgt Amt spent
Month Amt Spent in Current Fiscal Year Amt Available to Spend % Budget Remain
Annual Allocation $45,000.00
Rollover $5,000.00
Sub Total-Unallocated Budget $50,000.00
Neighborhood Comm. Projects 10-11 20,000.00
Total 70,000.00
100 Operations Budget
Office Supplies OFF $750.00 $750.00 100.0%
Copies OFF $500.00 $500.00 100.0%
Office Equipment OFF $750.00 $750.00 100.0%
Staffing/Apple One TAC $500.00 $500.00 100.0%
Telephone Expense MIS $250.00 $250.00 100.0%
Storage FAC $2,000.00 $162.00 $162.00 $1,838.00 91.9%
Board Retreat EDU $500.00 $241.53 $241.53 $258.47 51.7%
General Operations MIS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 100.0%
sub Total Operations $6,250.00 8.9% $403.53 $403.53 $5,846.47 93.5%
200 Outreach
Copies / Printing POS $500.00 $500.00 100.0%
Facilities For Public FAC $3,000.00 $3,000.00 100.0%
Refreshments EVE $400.00 $400.00 100.0%
Web Site & e-mail WEB $1,500.00 $33.00 $33.00 $1,467.00 97.8%
Advertising & Promotions ADV $0.00 $0.00
Newsletter Prodution NEW $1,200.00 $1,200.00 100.0%
Newsletter Printing NEW $5,700.00 $5,700.00 100.0%
Newsletter Delivery NEW $4,200.00 $4,200.00 100.0%
Elections ELE $500.00 $500.00 100.0%
General Outreach EVE $750.00 $277.21 $277.21 $472.79 63.0%
sub Total Outreach $17,750.00 25.4% $310.21 $310.21 $17,439.79 98.3%
300 Community Improvement
Venice Community BBQ CIP $5,000.00 $3,054.95 $3,054.95 $1,945.05 38.9%
Neighborhood Commun Proj 2010-11 CIP $20,000.00 $1,504.00 $1,504.00 $18,496.00 92.5%
General Community Projects 2010-11 CIP $5,000.00 $5,000.00 100.0%
Neighborhood Commun Proj 2011-12 CIP $16,000.00 $16,000.00 100.0%
sub Total Community Improvement $46,000.00 65.7% $4,558.95 $4,558.95 $41,441.05 90.1%
Total $70,000.00 $5,272.69 $5,272.69 $64,727.31 92.5%

Community Improvement Projects
Current Yr Budget by Acct % of Bdgt Amt spent Current Month Amt Spent in Current Fiscal Year Amt Available to Spend % Budget Remain Neighborhood Community Projects 2009-2010 Friends of Coeur d’Alene Reading Courtyard $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100% Master in the Chapel-Concerts $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100% Westminster School-Printers $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100% Boys and Girls Club-Sewing Project $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100% Ballona Institute-Lagoon Restoration $1,026.00 5% $1,026.00 100% Westside Leadership Magnet-Garden $1,996.00 10% $1,996.00 100% Mark Twain-Garden $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100% Venice Music Festival $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100% Carnevale $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100% 826 LA-“The Venice Wave” $1,470.00 7% $1,470.00 100% Vintage Motorcycle Rally $1,508.00 8% $1,504.00 $1,504.00 $4.00 0% Total $20,000.00 $1,504.00 $1,504.00 $18,496.00 92% General Community Improvement 2009-2010 Total Available $5,000.00 $5,000.00 100% Total Allocated $0.00 Total To be Allocated $5,000.00 Total Spent $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 100%

Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011

Funds Yearly Allocation 45,000.00 Rollover 24,259.35 Total 69,259.35
Category Annual Total
Codes 100 Operations % Total
AUD Audio and Video Services 0.00
FAC Facilities Related and Space Rental 5,000.00
POS Postage 0.00
OFF Office Equipment and Supplies 2,000.00
MIS General Operations/Miscellaneous 1,250.00
EDU Board Retreat/Training 740.00
TAC Staffing and Temporary Help 500.00
TRL Translation/Transcription 0.00 sub Total Operations 14% $9,490.00 200 Outreach
ADV Advertising 0.00
ELE Election Outreach and related costs 500.00
EVE Outreach events 750.00
POS Postage and mailings 500.00
EVE Food and refreshments for events and meetings 400.00
NEW Newsletters 11,100.00
WEB Website maintenance/enhancement/creation 1,500.00 sub Total Outreach 21% $14,750.00 300 Community Improvement
CIP Community Improvement Projects 65% 45,019.35 sub Total Community Improvement $45,019.35 Total Expenditures 100% $69,259.35
Narrative: Funding for community Improvement Projects includes $16,000.00 to be designated in
2010-2011 for community improvement projects to be completed in 2011-2012.

Exhibit B – Report: Parking-Food Truck and related issues

In pursuing our assignment to investigate, report and recommend on the issues of food trucks and valet parking, we focused on the following questions:
o Do our recommendations enhance the mission of the VNC?
o To what extent, and for how many stakeholders, can our work improve the quality of life?
o What City resources are likely to be readily available, and for what resources may we have to petition?
o What VNC resources, both technical and human, does our work require?
o How much public meeting time is our presentation likely to require?
o How soon must the Board act in order to move forward most effectively?
Our Neighborhood Council is, first and foremost, the messenger of our community’s voice to the City. Recommendations on these issues are designed to speak as broadly and directly as possible for the benefit of all Venice stakeholders, whether homeowner, renter, entrepreneur or visitor. We must speak to the City mindful of its current financial destitution, as well as its mandate, in any case, to represent our community’s will. Understanding that this is a time of transition to a new VNC Board, we planned our work to use the least possible personnel resources while making the best use of available technical tools. We expect to require no more than twenty minutes of Board meeting time to present our findings and recommendations, and for Board consideration. Because these issues are as rapidly-moving as are their proponents and regulators, promising benefits that far outweigh current detriments, we recommend that the Board act with all due haste.

To date, our work has included: Research on recent local food truck and valet parking history; outreach to CD11 and CD4 staff, LAPD, the Fire Marshall, LADOT, local food truck vendors and their representative, local residents and entrepreneurs for direction, information and general issue discussion; research on the food truck industry’s nationwide emergence; analysis of valet parking issues and existing models; and, finally, First Friday field work on Abbot Kinney Boulevard.

Based on this work, we request that the VNC Board consider each of the following resolutions in the name of public safety, convenience and coastal amenities:
Request our CD11 representative by letter [Exhibit _, attached] to direct the City Attorney to present to the City Council forthwith an Ordinance per Council File 09-0206 (http://cityclerk.lacity.org/lacityclerkconnect/index.cfm?fa=ccfi.viewrec…), establishing a valet permit parking program in the City of Los Angeles.

ADCOM ACTION TAKEN Postponed to 100809 Administrative Committee Meeting

Request our CD11 representative to forward [Exhibit _, attached] the April 2010, VNC Parking Committee report to LADOT with the direction to evaluate and provide recommendations for City Council action.

ADCOM ACTION TAKEN Postponed to 100809 Administrative Committee Meeting

Exhibit _ – Councilman Rosendahl re: Valet permit parking ordinance

July 21, 2010

Councilman Bill Rosendahl
City Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Dear Bill,

The Venice Neighborhood Council passed a resolution at its meeting on July 20, 2010, asking your office to direct the City Attorney to expedite completion of work to draft an ordinance pursuant to Council File 09-0206, to establish a valet parking permit program for the City of Los Angeles.

As you know, Los Angeles lacks a centralized valet parking program, leading to valet practices including cordoning off zones which may not belong to their clients, and negatively affecting already-congested residential parking areas in Venice’s Coastal Zone. In contrast, many adjacent and nearby cities enjoy regulated valet parking services, with predictable and enforceable operating rules and permit requirements.

On October 28, 2009, the City Council Public Safety Committee’s Chief Legislative Analyst recommended that the City Council request the City Attorney, with the assistance and cooperation of the Board of Police Commissioners; the Departments of City Planning and Transportation; and the Office of Finance, to prepare and present an ordinance to establish a valet parking permit program in the City of Los Angeles, as set forth in the report.

On December 16, 2009, the City Council adopted the report of the Public Safety Committee and requested the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to establish a valet parking permit program, as recommended by the Chief Legislative Analyst.

Bill, as the summer season attracts millions more visitors to Venice’s Coastal Zone, the need for dependable, enforceable valet parking regulations increases. Please communicate to the City Attorney the urgency and value of completing work on the aforementioned ordinance.

Thank you in advance for your expeditious response to your community.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Lucks
Venice Neighborhood Council

cc Councilman Bill Rosendahl

Exhibit _ – Councilman Rosendahl re: Parking Committee report

July 21, 2010

Councilman Bill Rosendahl
City Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Dear Bill,

The Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC) passed a resolution at its meeting on July 20, 2010, asking your office to forward to the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) the April 2010 VNC Parking Committee report and recommendations regarding parking conditions in the Venice Coastal Zone.

The VNC Parking Committee report has been forwarded to your office. As you know, existing parking conditions are exceedingly congested throughout the Venice Coastal Zone. To accommodate the influx of new businesses and visitors, these conditions require dedicated evaluation and relief.

Please expedite forwarding of the report to LADOT, with a request to evaluate and provide recommendations for City Council action.

Thank you in advance for your expeditious response to your community.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Lucks
Venice Neighborhood Council

cc ouncilman Bill Rosendahl
Exhibit C – REC Motion to replace Standing Rule 7

PROPOSED VNC Standing Rule 7

Motion to replace Standing Rule 7 with the following (current version on next page):

7. Agenda Request Procedures & Posting of Minutes

The VNC Secretary is responsible for producing accurate minutes of Stakeholder, Board of Officers and Administrative Committee meetings. The VNC Standing & Ad Hoc Committee chairs are responsible for producing accurate minutes of committee meetings and for web posting a draft of the minutes no later than seven (7) days after the meeting at which the minutes were taken. Minutes must be web posted no later than seven (7) days after the meeting at which they are approved.

A. Administrative Committee
All agenda requests & supporting documents must be submitted to the Secretary no later than 7:00PM two (2) days prior to the posting deadline for the Administrative Committee meeting (five days prior to said meeting). Any request not received by the Secretary as indicated above will not be considered and will be held until the next meeting. Please email supporting documents in digital format with the item title in the subject line.

• Board Members & Committees must use the Online Agenda Request Form.
• An Online Agenda Request Form must include contact information, item title, and fully drafted motions/letters. Incomplete or confusing motions or letters will result in the rejection of the item by the Secretary with notice to the person submitting the request & to the President.

Any letter requests shall include the names and addresses of proposed recipients. Proponents of the letter shall prepare it as decided by the board and email it to the President for review, edit and signature. The President shall return the approved version by email to the proponents with a copy to the Secretary for VNC records. Proponents of the letter shall then copy and send the approved letter.

The chair of the Administrative Committee may supersede this rule.

B. Standing & Ad Hoc Committees
It is recommended that all agenda requests & supporting documents be submitted to the chair of the Committee no later than 7:00PM two (2) days prior to the posting deadline for the Committee meeting (five days prior to said meeting). Any request not received by the chair of the committee in time to prepare and post the agenda prior to the 72 hour will not be considered and will be held until the next meeting

• An Agenda Request Form must include contact information, item title, and fully drafted motions/letters. Incomplete or confusing motions or letters will result in the rejection of the item by the chair with notice to the person submitting the request.

Any letter requests shall include the names and addresses of proposed recipients. If submitted to the Board by the chair of the Committee on its behalf, the chair shall prepare it as decided by the Board and email it to the President for review, edit and signature. The President shall return the approved version by email to the chair of the Committee with a copy to the Secretary for VNC records. The chair of the Committee shall then copy and send the approved letter.

AGENDA REQUEST FORM CAN BE FOUND AT: http://www.venicenc.org/Agenda

CURRENT VNC Standing Rule 7

7. Administrative Committee Amended 091020

All agenda requests & supporting documents must be submitted to the Secretary no later than 7:00PM two (2) days prior to the posting deadline for the Administrative Committee meeting (five days prior to said meeting). Any request not received by the Secretary as indicated above will not be considered and will be held until the next meeting. Please email supporting documents in digital format with the item title in the subject line.

• Board Members & Committees must use the Online Agenda Request Form.
• An Online Agenda Request Form must include contact information, item title, and fully drafted motions/letters. Incomplete or confusing motions or letters will result in the rejection of the item by the Secretary with notice to the person submitting the request & to the President.

Any letter requests shall include the names and addresses of proposed recipients. Proponents of the letter shall prepare it as decided by the board and email it to the President for review, edit and signature. The President shall return the approved version by email to the proponents with a copy to the Secretary for VNC records. Proponents of the letter shall then copy and send the approved letter.
The chair of the Administrative Committee may supersede this rule.

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