Coeur d’Alene Elementary School has become a finalist in Toms of Maine‘s “Sponsorship for Community Projects” 20k grants program and needs your help with votes. You can vote every day, and it does not require you to fill out a form or give them your email or anything invasive like that. It will seriously just take a second or two to add your vote.
Please click on the link here and vote for Coeur d’Alene Elementary School and their Butterflies and Boulders: A School Greening Project. Make sure you are voting for Coeur d’Alene Elementary in VENICE and NOT the entry from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho!
If they get the grant, it will be used to teach lasting lessons of conservation and promote awareness of the local watersheds. Funding will be used to create educational signage, remove 8,000 sq feet of asphalt, replace it with beautiful native drought tolerant plants, and allow the annual rainfall to percolate into the soil rather than flood the school.
The winners will be determined by the number of votes received between today and October 30, 2009.
PLEASE VOTE ONLINE EVERY DAY! I realize that this is a pain, but unfortunately, with the economic state of our schools, we need to do whatever we can!!!