The VNC is currently taking applications for The Venice Neighborhood Council’s Land Use and Planning Committee (LUPC)
From the VNC:
You’ll be responsible for reviewing applications for development and land use to determine whether they comply with the Venice Coastal Zone Specific Plan (VCSP) – that’s the plan put together by Venice residents that regulates land use decisions. Then you’ll help formulate our recommendation to LA City Planning – and our recommendation carries a lot of weight! After all, LUPC is one of the most credible Neighborhood Council committees in LA.
Stakeholders that wish to be considered for a seat on the Land Use and Planning Committee (LUPC) of the Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC) must complete the following form and return it to the Secretary of the VNC before July 7, 2010. You can download the application by clicking here. Applications may be returned either by email or by mail to: Venice Neighborhood Council, PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294.