The Marina del Rey Film Festival begins today. A movie marathon of shorts, documentaries, and features will kick off the 2-day festival at Beach Dancer Films on the Marina Peninsula.
On Saturday the festival screenings move to Hotel MdR on Maxella
Avenue. The festival concludes on Saturday night at the hotel with an awards show and the after party will be held back at Beach Dancer Films.
“The Marina del Rey Film Festival is proud to foster up and coming filmmakers by providing a positive and festive environment to showcase their films and artistic endeavors in the film market. We are proud to be open to all forms of artistic film expression,” say organizers.
Beach Dancer Films is located at Creative Chakra Spa, 3401 Pacific Ave., Marina del Rey. Hotel MdR by Doubletree Hilton is at 13480 Maxella Ave., Marina del Rey.
Screenings are free. For screening details check here.