The Venice Neighborhood Council “Mass, Scale, and Character” ad hoc committee will meet this evening starting at 7pm at Extra Space Storage (658 Venice).
The Mass, Scale, and Character Ad hoc Committee will study the application of requirements for new development in the Coastal Zone to be compatible with existing neighborhoods in mass, scale, and character as mandated by the VCZSP and related planning documents. It will meet with, and solicit input from residents of the Venice Coastal Zone, city officials, and other interested and relevant people in order to research standards and protocols by which these issues may be evaluated in new Coastal Development Projects in order to implement the intent and letter of the governing planning documents in the most fair and practical manner. The conclusions of this Committee will be reported directly to the Venice Neighborhood Council Board. The Committee shall automatically terminate after one year or the seating of a new VNC Board, whichever occurs first.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call (7:00 PM)
2. Welcome
3. Introductions (10 min.)
4. Mission Statement, reading, Discussion only (10 min.)
5. Public Comment (5 minutes, 1 min. per speaker)
6. Administrative (10 min.)
a. Quorum
b. Brown Act
c. Meeting schedule & posting
7. Discussion on Goals & Procedure discussion, possible action (40 min.)
a. Documents (are posted on Dropbox)
b. Method of working
8. Meeting; Next meeting time, date & location (10 min.)
9. Adjourn (approximately 8:30 PM)
Extra Space Storage
658 Venice Blvd Community Room
Venice, CA, 90291