From James Murez via RK and MA:
If you can spend a few minutes being present at an event this Thursday, Feb. 9 at 11:30 AM, several high ranking City officials want to consider how the community feels about SAVING the TREES on the four corners of Venice Bl. at Abbot Kinney Bl.
We are talking about the 36 Washington Fan Palms, marking the Ceremonial Gateway to Venice Beach at the Business Crossing. This event will mark over a year long negotiation between the community, LA DWP and the Council Office to not cut down all the trees.
The more people that show up, the louder and stronger the message will be WE CARE!
Please join me to thank them and feel free to forward this message.
James Murez
Save the Trees
Thursday, Feb. 9 @ 11:30 AM
Venice Blvd at Abbot Kinney