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Best Ways to Improve Your Fitness Routine

It doesn’t take long to notice all the beautiful people living in Southern California. It soon becomes apparent these men and women aren’t supernaturally gifted with peak physical condition. Rather, they’ve earned it with years of dedicated physical fitness.

Then there’s the rest of us. Despite great weather year-round and plenty of ways to stay physically fit, we struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Now and then, we make a conscious effort to become more physically active. Some of us turn it around and join the league of low-body fat. But most of us wind up burning out on burning calories.

That ends now. Chances are, the problem isn’t you, so much as it’s your routine. By making changes here and there and taking a responsible approach to physical fitness, you’ll put yourself on the path towards getting into the best shape of your life.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at five ways to improve your fitness routine:

Switch it up

Many people find regular exercise hard to maintain. More often than not, they’re doing the same things every time. Sooner or later, they get bored, hurt, or both. By switching it up, you achieve a more comprehensive workout while avoiding the tedium one associates with familiar routines. For instance, those who prefer running in the morning might want to try swimming for a change. Those who get their exercise from riding bicycles may want to go hiking. With an ocean to the west, mountains to the east, and plenty of athletic activities in between, there’s no reason why those living in Southern California can’t add variety to their fitness routine.

Take recovery seriously

The post-workout phase is nearly as important as the workout itself. With this in mind, those trying to get into a successful fitness routine need to take the time to rest and recover adequately. This starts with replenishing your electrolyte levels. While you might be tempted to grab a Gatorade, such sports drinks are often loaded with sugar. Stick to sugar-free varieties or opt for electrolyte powders that can be easily mixed with water. Follow up with a cold shower and CBD muscle rub for optimum pain relief. Doing so reduces the pain and discomfort that so often discourages us from exercising in the future.

Get plenty of sleep

Sleep is the time when our bodies cleanse and recover after a day’s worth of hard work and stress. Not getting enough sleep is the last thing your aching body needs after an intense workout. You’ll wind up feeling cruddy and uninspired, leading to a lapse in exercise. For most people, sticking to a consistent sleep schedule is essential. That means going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning. You’ll also need enough sleep; most adults need seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night to give their bodies and minds a chance to recover.

Eat plenty of protein

Are you detecting a slower than normal rate of burning fat and building muscle, despite exercising several times each week? It could be due to your diet. To reap the maximum benefits of regular exercise, you need to consume healthy sources of protein. Examples include beans, chicken, eggs, fish, soy, and yogurt. Avoid foods high in fat, salt, and sugar. This will give your body the necessary nutrients to make the most of all that hard work.

Push yourself

Nobody goes straight from walking a mile to running a marathon. Such a transition requires the individual to push themselves a little further each time. For example, run the last quarter mile, then the last half, then three-fourths, and finally for the entire mile. Follow up with running a mile, walking one, and repeating the fractional progress with mile two. Keep it up, and before long, you’ll be able to run the entire 26.2 miles without stopping. Imagine how great you’ll look and feel!

Southern California is packed with people in peak physical condition. They didn’t get that way by dumb luck – they worked hard at it. You can do the same!

Julie Steinbeck is a freelance writer from Florida. She enjoys covering topics related to business, fitness, and travel.

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