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Five Wedding & Baby Events and How to Make them Special

When you are prepared to get married, have a baby, or start a family, there are plenty of events involved. Not only should you do your best to enjoy these life-changing moments, making them special can help you do that. Whether you are about to get married for the first time or have your fourth child, every milestone is important and should be celebrated as such. Wherever you are at in life, here are five wedding and baby events with ways to make them special.

Pre-Wedding Events

The pre-wedding events should be planned to enable the couple and their families to spend quality time together before the other people arrive. The bachelor and bachelorette parties don’t have to be elaborate, but they should be as special as you want them to be. For example, you can get your closest group of friends together to celebrate and enjoy the final evening of being single, but it doesn’t have to be cliché. It can be simple and special concurrently.

The rehearsal dinner, on the other hand, can be the time the family and friends share their feelings with the couple. You can make speeches at the rehearsal instead of the reception if you’d rather keep these moments sacred. It depends on your style, but even the events before the wedding should be special.

The Ceremony

Wedding ceremonies have become a tad stale. Many of them are the same. You don’t have to do the classic church wedding if you aren’t religious. Instead, think outside the box. Do something special. Outdoor weddings can be great if the weather permits. Or you could do something no one has ever heard of. It’s your wedding, after all. You should make the ceremony exactly what you want it to be. Don’t give into the pressure from your family. It’s your special day. Make sure it’s special.

The Reception

The reception is the party. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but it should be unique to the personality of the couple. The food and drink should reflect what the newlyweds want. It can be as expensive or as simple as you want it to be. Decorations are subject to change. You don’t have to go all out if you don’t want to, but you could buy some sparklers for the wedding send off as the couple leaves the reception. These are sticks you burn like on the Fourth of July. They blow sparks into the sky. 36 inch sparklers burn longer than shorter ones. These are just some ideas. The reception should be designed to satisfy whatever it is you want to do after just getting married.

Baby Shower

Beyond weddings, having a baby is a huge life event—even if you have had one already. There are plenty of fun ways to spend your baby shower. It doesn’t have to be dull and boring. Even though the mother shouldn’t drink alcohol, the people who attend the shower sure can. Everyone can be encouraged to celebrate the baby in their own way. You can play games, make baby clothes, or simply eat and drink. A baby shower doesn’t have to be elaborate to be special. It’s all about what you make of it.

Gender Reveal Parties

Another popular event is the gender reveal party. Couples like to announce the sex of their baby. It is one of the first moments the fetus becomes an individual. There are plenty of gender reveal ideas to make this special. You can buy balloons, decorations, put the answer in the cake, or make merchandise. Gender reveal shirt ideas are popular. Whatever you make of it, revealing the sex of the baby can be very fun.

It doesn’t matter which stage of life you are in, it’s important to enjoy these moments and make them special. Life milestones can be stressful and nerve-wracking. No matter what, you can make these events enjoyable. You should, before anything, properly celebrate and acknowledge the moment. Whether you are getting married, having a child, or starting a family, it is so pivotal to put in the effort to enjoy yourself and celebrate the next step of life. You will regret not properly immersing yourself in the event. 

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