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5 Tips For Practicing Self Care

Are you finding that stress is getting to you? Are you working non-stop, juggling a hectic lifestyle, or caring for an elderly family member?

Whatever the reasons, if you are feeling stressed, there is something you can do. It isn’t expensive, extravagant, or out-of-the-question. It’s called self-care.

Recently, self-care has become part of our vocabulary. In the past, it may have been reserved for elite members of a spa or health club. Today, it is a commonly used term. 

Why the change? 

It may be that self-care has come of age. It is now a term that indicates that as a society we realize that it’s time to do what we can to take care of our body, mind, and spirit.

Let’s look at 5 powerful ways to nurture your mental and physical health—before stress gets the upper hand.

Make Time for Little Pleasures

After you realize that self-care is a ‘thing,’ the next question emerges. Time. Making time for little uplifts is something that we can all do. 

It doesn’t take a lot of time to make a cup of relaxing tea. It doesn’t take a lot of time to practice taking deep relaxing breaths. It doesn’t take a lot of time to pick up a dozen donuts—and get some extras for your family and friends.

Tip: Find the time for little pleasures. Do it today.

Get Moving

There’s no question that exercising is good for the body, mind, and spirit. Whether it’s taking a walk around the block, running stairs, or going for a swim, moving the body is soothing for every system. 

Medical experts are big on exercise. It works wonders for people of all ages. It is the single thing that can help heart function, improve mood, and reduce stress. The amazing thing about exercise is that even a little bit will have a big impact. If it’s been a while since you got moving, give yourself a gift. Go for a walk today.

Tip: Put your walking/running shoes by the door. If you have to bump into them, you’re more likely to put them on.

Get Support

Much like enjoying life’s little pleasures and exercising, life is happier when you have support. While many people know this intellectually, it comes into play with self-care.

If you are caring for a loved one, get support. You don’t have to do it alone. If you are a family caregiver, explore your options. A quick search on the Internet will help you find the professional support you need. Check out local options by searching in your city. For instance, search for dementia care in New York, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, or Los Angeles.

You’ll find the best sources for professional support to help you reduce stress and cultivate peace of mind.

Tip: Search today to get the care support you need. You deserve to take care of yourself and get the care needed for your loved one.

Take a Soothing Bath

If you have a bathtub, be sure to use it. There are many soothing natural bath salts and oils. One of the most affordable and effective is Epsom salts. These relaxing salts are known to reduce aches and pains and relieve stress. It’s one of the fastest, most affordable, and reliable ways to practice self-care.

Tip: Stock up on Epsom salts the next time you go shopping.

Consider Your Lifestyle

If you’re finding that you need help with self-care, you are not alone. Think about ways to get help from people you know. You may want to ask for help during a specific time to do errands, have some personal time, or meet friends. 

If you have trouble asking for help in person, practice writing an email. Let your friends and family know what’s going on and set up a calendar to get help with caretaking.

As you investigate ways to take care of yourself, take some time to learn about caring for yourself

Tip: Learn about caring for yourself. Make simple changes to boost your skills in self-care.

Wrapping it Up

It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. To be effective in your life, you need to take care of yourself. Start today—you deserve it.

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