Los Angeles Unified and Health Net offering free vaccinations for seasonal flu to students and families
By Chad Winthrop
Los Angeles public school students and families can get free flu vaccinations at Palms Middle School during an upcoming clinic aimed at preventing a ‘Twin-demic’.
Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) announced October 16 that Health Net, which is helping the district in its COVID-19 testing program, will be offering free vaccinations for the seasonal flu to students and their family members at various schools across the district.
“We are working to protect the health and safety of all in the school community,” Los Angeles Unified Superintendent Austin Beutner said. “Vaccinations for the seasonal flu are even more important while the threat from COVID-19 remains so very real in the communities we serve.”
For Westside residents vaccinations will be available on October 30 from 10 a.m. to p.m. at Palms Middle School, located at 10860 Woodbine Street.
“This year, more than any other, people might have to take extra precautions during flu season,” Health Net Chief Medical Officer Dr. Alex Chen said. “Typically it is recommended that everyone over 6 months of age get the vaccine, but this year medical experts across the county are urging everyone to get the shot in hopes of helping avoiding a ‘twin-demic’ situation with COVID-19. We want to encourage all essential workers, adults age 65 and older, and infants and young children to get their flu shots as soon as possible.”
At the Palms Middle School event–which LAUSD says will follow COVID-19 safety guidelines with masks/face-coverings required for all attendees over the age of two–vaccines will be available for ages four and older. Identification is required for parents and guardians.
Schedule an appointment for your free flu vaccination at https://tinyurl.com/LAUSDFlu2020.