At the Los Angeles Unified School District’s morning board meeting, two parents, on behalf of the 350-strong organization Parents for Progressive Education, will express opposition to cuts to Mandarin

The parents will address the Board at the start of the meeting and deliver to the Board a petition signed by hundreds of parents. A growing coalition of 350 public school parents is calling on School Board President Steve Zimmer and Superintendent Michelle King to reverse the LAUSD’s decision to cut in half the Mandarin Immersion program at Venice’s Broadway Elementary School.
With plans for the next school year being finalized in the next few weeks, parents anxious to take action is now. Recently, thousands rallied at LAUSD schools as part of a “walk in” to show support for public schools. Cutting this program, the parents say, validates the narrative that the LAUSD is unwilling or unable to compete with charter and private operators.
“This program makes our kids more competitive and shows how the District can compete against charter and private operators who are siphoning away public school parents, students and resources,” says Jennifer Pullen, a Broadway Elementary School parent and President of Parents for Progressive Education.