This year, we’re going to kick off the time-honored debate of ¿adonde vamos? for Cinco de Mayo by quoting Bret back in 2010:
Remember: Don’t drive drunk. Don’t bicycle drunk. Don’t scream and yell like a lil kid when you are drunk. Don’t fight when you are drunk. Don’t ride your bicycle through the canals drunk at 2:30 am because you WILL fall off of it into the canal. Tip bartenders well. Wear condoms.
We know the hardcore among you are going to hit every single happy hour and party in Venice. You don’t need a map or a guide or even a plan. For the rest of you, this year we’re going to throw out the old school standard: La Cabaña. Since 1963. Mariachis on the roof. And to quote from their website: “…as an added bonus, we will have Doctor’s Notices available so you can party all night and not have to worry about going to work the next day!”
Feel free to add to the debate in the forum!
#LAPD – Celebrating #CincoDeMayo, Please don’t drink & drive! #BeResponsible designated a driver or a cab.
— LAPD HQ (@LAPDHQ) May 5, 2014