From the Ballona Wetlands Land Trust:
Tomorrow, August 27th from 10 AM to 1 PM, we will be training volunteers in order to ramp up for urgent community outreach projects. We realize that this is short notice, but we are reacting to a complex and dynamic time line of legal and political milestones that make advance planning somewhat of a challenge.
Trainees will learn how to communicate our strategic vision and tactical objectives to members of the community using maps of the area, photos of sensitive wildlife species, and other materials. This will be a fun and interactive session. If you are interested in becoming more directly involved in protecting this vital ecosystem and you can commit to at least several hours a month of volunteer time at events such as farmer’s markets, please e-mail us by the end of today and we’ll provide you with the necessary information for tomorrow’s training event. Please leave a phone number (preferably a mobile phone) where we can reach you in your e-mail.
If you can’t volunteer your time, please consider making a donation to our efforts. We have relied heavily on the exceptional generosity of a relatively small group of loyal donors over the past several months, for whom we are very grateful, but we need broader support in order to continue on with our legal fight and outreach efforts.
Please make a contribution today.