Tomorrow evening, The Venice Neighborhood Council will hold a special meeting to discuss a possible amendment to LA Municipal Code with an amended section 42.15. The amendment will restrict vending, regulate performing and prohibit generating excessive noise on beaches or upon immediately adjacent boardwalks, sidewalks and public ways.
To download the City Attorney’s report on 42.15 and Ocean Front Walk, click here.
This meeting may be quite lively, as local boardwalk activist Zuma Dogg has been making repeated threats that he will disrupt the meeting in an as of yet unknown manner.
Venice Neighborhood Council Special Meeting Schedule: 7PM, July 28, 2011:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2 minutes
2. Approval of the Agenda 1 minute
3. Announcements of Items NOT on the Agenda – 5 minutes
(board members may not comment here- each person will have 1 minute to speak -5 Speaker
cards called in order received- next group called at next Announcements segment)..
4. Old Business:
A. Discussion and Possible Action on Recommendations on the decision of the USPO to relocate the Venice Post office Retail Services from existing location at 1601 Main Street to the postal Annex property at 313 Grand Avenue . . Submitted by Post Office Task Force: Amanda Seward & Nancy Feinberg. (1 Hour).
B. Discussion and Possible Action on Recommended Revisions to the Draft Ordinance (LAMC 42.15) regulating activities on the Venice Boardwalk(Ocean Front Walk): Submitted by Ivonne Guzman and Ira Koslow, , Ocean Front Walk Committee: (1 Hour).
5 Announcements of Items NOT on the Agenda – 10 minutes (board members may
not comment here- each person will have 1 minute to speak -10 Speaker cards called in order received.
6. Board Member Comments on subject matters within the VNC jurisdiction. [10 min, no more than 1 minute per person]
7. Adjourn (approx. 9:30 PM)
Oakwood Recreation Center
767 California (corner 7th & California)
Venice, CA, 90291
[…] So what would happen if the City of Los Angeles decided to restrict the amount of vendors, regulate the street performers, and prohibit excessive noise on the Boardwalk? Well that is exactly what the Venice Neighborhood Council will be discussing tonight at a special meeting at 7:00. […]