On April 7th, the Venice Neighborhood Council will hold an “extra” meeting “solely to vote on the proposed Vehicles to Homes Program (LAMC 85.11 formerly proposed as amendments to LAMC 85.02) as proposed and since amended by Councilman Rosendahl in 2008.”
Bill Rosendahl’s Chief of Staff Mike Bonin will present the ordinance with proposed amendments and no public comment on the presentation. The VNC will then entertain a motion/second and then take public comment.
The VNC needs to have this “extra special” meeting as the next meeting of the Transportation Committee takes place on April 13th and then the ordinance goes straight to the City Council.
The meeting will be held at Oakwood Recreation Center at 7 p.m. on Thursday the 7th and will conclude not later than 9:20 p.m.
One would hope that Bonin’s report / presentation is released ASAP, so that the community of Venice is allowed to discuss it.