Post Updated: The sneaky little people at the VNC sent this out saying it was November 5th, when it is actually OCTOBER 5th.
In a move sure to enrage the general population of Venice while sealing public opinion that the VNC is completely irrelevant, acting against what the majority of residents consider “neighborhood improvement” and seemingly promoting the special interest agenda of the Social Service Businesses of Venice rather than the actual stakeholders and rent paying residents, The VNC Neighborhood Committee (VNC) will meet on November OCTOBER 5th (a Tuesday) between 8-10am to discuss (and possibly make motion) to provide the lawbreaking (85.02) RV Dwellers of Venice with mobile sump trucks for their waste.
What on earth is the Venice Neighborhood Council (Neighborhood Committee) doing? How can they even entertain that the solution to lawlessness is to aid the lawbreakers? Is that not aiding and abetting the breaking of laws? And to try and sneak it past the general community by doing this from 8-10 am on a weekday when most people have to work or take their kids to school?
Note that the VNC has no plans to discuss support for the LAPD, enforcement of 85.02, the lawlessness of the RV’s they want mobile sump trucks for and the huge increase in Venice Crime.
Venice Neighborhood Council: despite your best attempts to skirt the wishes of the majority of Venice residents to promote your minority agenda, Venice residents are now taking back the streets on their own. That is supposed to be your job, but you aren’t doing it. Want to see what the residents want? Hold your meeting on a Thursday evening at 7pm.
Residents: Let Councilman Bill Rosendahl know what you think of the Venice Neighborhood Council by clicking here. Insist that he makes your thoughts known to the Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa.
Read the complete VNC schedule after the jump:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Venice Neighborhood Council, being aware that this situation has reached critical mass, requests the following actions:
1- Public bathrooms need extended hours with heightened maintenance and security. Additional portable toilets should be placed both on beach parking lots and away from the beach.
2- The City and/or the County should provide regular pickups by mobile sump trucks to each region of the City and County to immediately service a growing population due to the poor economic situation.
Preventing sanitation problems is more cost efficient than clean-up costs ( Hazmat).
Read the entire agenda for this meeting “after the jump”.
Agenda – Venice Neighborhood Committee
I. Introductions and Approval of Agenda
II . Announcements – 5 minutes
III. Public Comment – 5 minutes
IV. Discussion and Possible Adoption of minutes –
V. Old Business
1. Additional wording for the Bike Riders Bill of Rights
2 Report on construction at 5th & Dewey
3 Trash Talk, Options, Projects, Discussion, what do we want to do to clean-up Venice? Brainstorming
4 Follow-up & Report : John Tabis – Request that the city stop the final asphalting of the Washington Blvd sewage project and instead install center dividers, preferably with some kind of foliage, to separate the two sides of the street starting West of Mildred and running along Washington until Palawan Way.
5. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE MOTIONS :WHEREAS 16 million people visit Venice every year, they are confronted with inadequate sanitation facilities. It is a daily health and safety problem for visitors and residents alike who suffer as beach visitors leave the area, not willing to wait in lines to use the public bathroom facilities. These lines are often 25 people deep on weekends, and
WHEREAS both the County and City of Los Angeles must acknowledge the urgency of the situation and immediately increase the availability of sanitation services to the Venice area
BE IT RESOLVED that the Venice Neighborhood Council, being aware that this situation has reached critical mass, requests the following actions:
1- Public bathrooms need extended hours with heightened maintenance and security. Additional portable toilets should be placed both on beach parking lots and away from the beach.
2- The City and/or the County should provide regular pickups by mobile sump trucks to each region of the City and County to immediately service a growing population due to the poor economic situation.
Preventing sanitation problems is more cost efficient than clean-up costs ( Hazmat).
6. .DISCUSSION we want to ask for a By-Laws change regarding districts and mapping of areas of NHC. Discussion only
7. Discussion – Neighborhood policies regarding hours of operation
8. .DISCUSSION Sober Living Homes – Rules and Regulations in Residential Areas
9. Do we want to formulate policies regarding marathon events, I have received another marathon event NOTICE for Dec 11th, should we just get a standard reply about notifying neighborhoods and churches, and Maxine, what was your request?
Jack Wong. Motion to request consideration of placing speed humps on Palms Blvd, between Lincoln and Penmar. Speed Humps already exist east of this segment of Palms, towards Beethoven.
The reason for my request is that the cars travelling on Palms are clipping along at a pretty fast pace and there is an element of danger pulling out of the driveway onto Palms. The situation is made worse by the fact that the cars parked on the street also obscure the line of vision.
VIII. Administrative: Change – Next meeting November 2, 2010. I will be absent, Who would like to chair the meeting?
Cow’s End Coffee Shop
34 Washington Blvd (upstairs)
Nov. OCTOBER 5, 2010, 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.
[…] Town Hall (September 23rd) on the same subject matter, but the VNC postponed it for months while trying to slip the issue of providing sump trucks for RV’s and adding toilets to sidewalks for the RV Dwellers into 8am mid-week […]