From Yo! Venice! poster Alex in the forums:
Today I saw the Bureau of Sanitation by the Pacific & Fleet dump area. They flooded the spot where the RV waste was with 200 gallons of fresh water, in order to see how the water flowed and if it impacted Ballona Creek or the ocean via storm drains or just a natural drainage path.
The determination was that the water stood idle with no drainage path ( as the fecal waste did for 6 days ), and they were on to the next stop at Rose & 3rd. Because I knew the location exactly, Mr. Carlson and Mr. Dennis from Sanitation who were extremely nice and knowledgeable followed me to the BioHazard cleanup site.
As many have reported, and as was expected… the RV’s were back, and again there are gallons of urine and fecal waste in the street. The two gentlemen from the Sanitation dept. gave me some interesting pointers in identifying liquids and their origin. One RV was sitting in what was clear to see as waste dumped from it’s waste tank. Approximately 20 gallons.
We walked the length of the street, and identified where the storm drains were in the area. The trash, fecal waste, RV’s and homeless were strewn about again, as usual…. with the volumes of urine and feces right back in the street.
Only a misdemeanor… and after 2 days and 3 square in the pokey – you get to go back home to the beach… only if you are caught of course.
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