Looking around the net for videos and stories about Venice like we always do we came across a video shot with the GoPro® HD Camera. We got so excited by what we saw (camera gear is like crack for Yo! Venice!) that we joined their affiliate program. That means if you click the links that say GoPro® HD Cameras and buy one, maybe Yo! Venice! will make enough scratch that we can get one too and attach it to all amounts of cool stuff around town and share the videos here. At $270 bucks for an HD camera that is waterproof, it sounds like a good deal. If you buy one and loan it to us we promise to take it to the VNC elections, to workout at YAS while we text (for the YAS thread), the skate park and the breakwater.
Shameless asking you to click and buy stuff time is now over, enjoy the videos!
If you already have one of these send us links to cool stuff you have shot of Venice! Then maybe we don’t need to get one after all. Doubtful, but maybe.
Here is a video by Jacob Janisse skating the Venice Boardwalk:
BOARDWALK AT VENICE from Jacob Janisse on Vimeo.
Here is an official GoPro video with their surfing camera:
GoPro HD HERO camera: The Surf Movie from GoPro on Vimeo.
And one last one is of the Venice Skate Park by You Tube user Greg1inCa: