The City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs are inviting all school children in Los Angeles county in grades K-12 to submit art for the 2012 African American Heritage Month poster competition. The theme is “Our Inventors – Stepping Back Into the Future”. The deadline for entries is February 15, 2012.
Contest participation requires the creation of an original artwork by one student, inspired by the interpretation of the 2012 African American Heritage Month’s contest theme.
From the Department of Cultural Affairs:
Select one of the inventors listed below. In your artwork, please depict how this inventor/invention has impacted the past, present day, and/or your personal life.
George Alcorn
George Washington Carver
Kenneth Dunkley
Garrett Morgan
Elijah “Real” McCoy
Carter G. Woodson
Jack Johnson
Madam C.J. Walker
Dr. Patricia Bath
Theora Stephens
Mary B. Kenner
Sarah Goode
Ellen Elgin
Marie V. Brown
Entry Guidelines:
* Medium can be watercolor, acrylic, oil, pen, pencil, chalk, or marker on paper, canvas, or wood
* Artwork must be two-dimensional and must not exceed 18″ x 24″
* Student’s signature should be at the bottom right corner of the artwork
* Judging is based on originality, creativity, and interpretation of the African American Heritage Month contest theme
* One entry allowed per student
* Previous City of Los Angeles Heritage Month Poster Competition first place winners are ineligible for first place
Each entry must include the following information typed on a sheet of paper taped to the back of the work:
* Student’s Full Name
* Grade
* Home Mailing Address
* Home or Mobile Telephone Number
* School / Organization’s Name and Address
* Teacher’s Full Name, Telephone Number, and Email Address
* Title of Work, Medium, and Sentence About Inspiration or Description of the Depicted Work
Competition Winners:
* One Grand Prize will be awarded
* Prizes include premium art supplies
* The following six divisions have three categories with
1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners selected for each category:
1. Grades K – 1st
2. Grades 2nd – 3rd
3. Grades 4th – 5th
4. Grades 6th – 8th
5. Grades 9th – 10th
6. Grades 11th – 12th
February 15, 2012
by 6:00 p.m.
Early entry submissions are encouraged
The winners will be notified after February 20, 2012. The Awards Ceremony is tentatively scheduled for February 29, 2012. All entries, including the winners’ work, become the property of the City of Los Angeles. The City has the right to reproduce or publish the artwork in any medium for current or future use in educational materials and programs. Selection of winners by the judging panel is final.
All entries should be delivered or mailed to:
Rebeca Guerrero
Department of Cultural Affairs
201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1400
Los Angeles, CA 90012