December 26, 2024 #1 Local News, Forum, Information and Event Source for Venice Beach, California.

VNC Administrative Committee Meeting: 6-7-2010

Some of these aren’t worth reading, but this one has some interesting stuff in it. Read what they have going on by clicking here or just “read more” below.

Besides the OPD stuff, the VNC is dealing with:


VNC Administrative Committee Meeting Agenda
Start: 06/07/2010 – 7:00pm
End: 06/07/2010 – 9:30pm
Administrative Committee Meeting Agenda
Extra Space Storage, Presidents Row Room
658 South Venice Blvd, Venice, 90291
Monday, June 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM

Note: (i) The Administrative Committee does not address or consider the merits of proposed agenda items. Its function is to determine whether a proposed agenda item will be placed on the next Board meeting agenda, postponed, referred to a specific committee for review and recommendation, treated as an announcement, or considered and resolved as a non-Board administrative matter. (ii) The Administrative Committee has the discretion to reorder consideration of matters on the agenda to accommodate stakeholders or for other reasons. (iii) Unless otherwise noted, the President abstains on all votes.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Approval of the Administrative Committee Agenda

3. Approval of any outstanding Administrative Committee minutes submitted by the Secretary

May 10, 2010 Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes

4. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[15 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no Administrative Committee member announcements permitted]

5. Old Administrative Committee Business

6. New Administrative Committee Business

A Administrative matters:

(i) Stewart Oscars re: Post Arson Alert on Web

(ii) Jim Murez re: Farmer’s Market Fridays – Can I suggest that each of the standing sub committees post their REGULAR hours at the table, example LUPC from 7-9 am; Neighborhoods from 9-11. Of course this would not preclude overlapping hours or others from helping. It also might relieve your weekly task of getting bodies by shifting the task to the committees. I think by setting regular hours by committee, people that really have questions will know when you find the right person in the “office”. This would also give communications a chance to announce office hours in all mailings and at meetings. NO reply needed, just a thought.—Jim

(iii) Review Status of Board Orientation – Agenda &Tasks & Manual See AdCom Exhibit A for 2007 Task List
Ivan Spiegel (310-921-9556;

(iv) Request for Setup Help for June 15 Board Meeting
Brennan Lindner (

Good evening all. I will be out of of the country from June 11-25 and unfortunately will miss the June 13 retreat and June 15 meeting. I will need someone(s) to pick up/set up the PA equipment for the June board meeting. Don’t make Mike continue to rally the troops after May meeting. 😉
Brennan Lindner (

(v) Establish Ad Hoc VNC Mobility Action Committee: Challis Macpherson, board member, encourages the VNC President, Linda Lucks, to create a VNC Ad Hoc Mobility Action Committee to take public comment, review transportation within the entire VNC boundaries (both East and West of Lincoln Blvd) and recommend action by the VNC Board of Officers.

(vi) Appoint official VNC representative to PlanCheckNC LA: Challis Macpherson, outgoing board member & stakeholder, requests that VNC President, Linda Lucks, appoint Challis Macpherson as official VNC representative to PlanCheckNC LA until end of 2010-2011 term or further notice.

(vii) Record of Public Comment and future Agenda items: Linda Lucks: The Secretary of the VNC shall keep a written record of all public comments that are presented to the Board under non-agendized public comment. This record should include the name of the speaker and a very brief summary of their comment. All public comment summaries (along with the name of the speaker) should appear as part of the minutes for that meeting and be available for consideration for addition to the agenda (not requiring an agenda request form) at the next AdCom meeting for possible Board or Committee discussion and/or possible action.

(viii) Alternative to above Item (vii) Joe Murphy: Amend the Speaker Card to read:
… General Comment * … Affiliation … etc.) … * If you wish to have you the Board act regarding your concern, please submit an Agenda Request ( and it will be considered at the next Administrative Committee meeting. … X …

(ix) Letter Regarding OPD Lawsuit Settlement
Joe Murphy (310-305-1444; Request the following letter be sent as indicated:

Judge of the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, Central District
Attorneys for Respondent California Coastal Commission
EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Attorney General of California
CHRISTINA BULL ARNDT, Supervising Deputy Attorney General
WYATT E. SLOAN-TRIBE, Deputy Attorney General,
Attorney for Petitioner Venice Stakeholders Alliance
JOHN A. HENNING, Attorney at Law
Attorneys for Petitioner City of Los Angeles
CARMEN A. TRUTANICH, City Attorney of Los Angeles
VALERIE FLORES, Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office

Re: Case No. BS122073:
VENICE STAKEHOLDERS ASSOCIATION, an unincorporated association, and
CITY OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, a governmental entity,

In your settlement negotiations and in any agreements you reach, please adhere to the following Venice Neighborhood Council resolution adopted at its October 20, 2009 Board Meeting:

Dear Councilman Rosendahl:

We appreciate your recent efforts to help us address the plight of the homeless and the frustrations with overnight live-in parking.

It seems clear to us that most Venetians have sympathy for the homeless and the residents. At the same time, they are frustrated with the constant political in-fighting that undermines efforts to create a workable consensus. We believe that committing to the following two actions would create a workable consensus and mutually reinforcing solutions to both problems:

1. We will help you draft and implement the intent of your Council Motion 08-3125. In doing this, we suggest that you consider two recent VNC motions (see enclosure) insofar as they are relevant. When a draft ordinance is ready for public review, we will provide opportunities for broad Venice stakeholder review and comment.

2. The intent of Ordinance 177876 is to help address the overnight live-in parking concerns of residents. To clarify this intent, we ask that you file a Council Motion to replace the word ‘and’ with ‘or’ where it is currently causing enforcement confusion.

We believe this letter speaks for the broad majority of Venetians in that it recognizes the mutually reinforcing impact of focusing efforts on both problems simultaneously. Your commitment to join with us in pursuing both of these goals would help us build a better Venice Community.

Sincerely, VNC President

Sincerely, Mike Newhouse, President
Cc: Councilman Rosendahl & Commissioners of the California Coastal Commission
Related Documents: Draft Settlement, VSAModifiedOPDTermsDraft4,
VSAproposedAgreementDraft4, VSAProposedStipDraft4

(x) First agenda for new Board
Ivan Spiegel (310-921-9556; In order to provide a smooth transition, the current Administrative Committee must agendize the first Board Meeting for the new Board with the following considerations (as mandated by the by-laws):

The agenda should be as generic as possible, but must include the following items:
Swearing in of new Board Members
Financial statements
Public Comments
New Business
Election of 4 members of Administrative Committee (by the Community Officers of the new Board)
Open nominations for election of LUPC (election by the new Board – within 30 days of start of term)
Open nominations for election of Neighborhood Committee (election by the new Board – within 30 days of start of term)
Community Officer Assignments (each must serve on at least one Standing Committee and serve on and/or chair other committees)
Agenda suggestions for next meeting

Optional (not mandated, but necessary)
Set meeting dates and times for new Board term
Review Ad-hoc committees and appoint chairs (appointed by the President)
Take applications for RulesAnd Elections, Education, Arts, and OFW Committee chairs
(community officer nominated by Administrative Committee – approved by Board)
Appoint Parliamentarian (s)

May 31, 2010 email from Ivan: The basic outline for swearing in, etc: *
• The current board sits at the table and establishes quorum.
• All outstanding minutes are approved. No other business.
• Not mandated but my guess is that Mike will want to say a few words thanking the current board for their service. Give out certificates.
• The new board is called up and sworn in (Rosendahl is coming). They take their seats at the table.
• Business as usual.

* Secretary NB: I have assumed the swearing in occurs after Old Business in the below draft Board Agenda.

B Consideration of DRAFT June 15, 2010 Board Agenda (see below – tentative integration of vii above by Secretary)

7. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[15 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no Administrative Committee member announcements permitted]

8. Adjourn

Draft – Board of Officers Meeting Agenda
Westminster Elementary School (Auditorium)
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 90291
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 7:00 PM

BOARD MEETINGS: The Venice Neighborhood Council holds its regular meetings on the third Tuesday of the month and may also call any additional required special meetings in accordance with its Bylaws and the Brown Act. All are welcome to attend.
TRANSLATION Services: Si requiere servicios de traducción, favor de notificar a la oficina 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) antes del evento. Si necesita asistencia con esta notificación, por favor llame a nuestra oficina 213.473.5391.
POSTING: The agenda and non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board members in advance of regular and special meetings
may be viewed at Groundworks Coffee (671 Rose Ave Venice, CA 90291), Abbots Habit (1401 Abbot Kinney Blvd. Venice, CA 90291), the Venice Library (501 South Venice Boulevard, Venice, CA 90291), Oakwood Recreation Center (767 California St. Venice, CA 90291), the VNC website (, or at the scheduled meeting. For a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact the VNC secretary at
PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any Old or New Business item on the agenda and the Treasurer’s Report. Comments from the public on these agenda items will be heard only when that item is being considered. Comments from the public on other agenda matters or on matters not appearing on the agenda but within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public comment is limited to two (2) minutes per speaker, unless modified by the presiding officer of the Board.
DISABILITY POLICY: The Venice Neighborhood Council complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not discriminate on the basis of any disability. Upon request, the Venice Neighborhood Council will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Approval of the Agenda

3. Approval of outstanding minutes submitted by Secretary
May 18, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
[Committee Reports are provided in written form when available]

4. Swearing in of New Board Members by LA Councilman Bill Rosendahl

5. Consent Calendar

A LUPC De Minimis Projects See Exhibit A [None submitted postpone to next AdCom mtg]
Challis Macpherson ( on behalf of LUPC: Challis Macpherson moves that VNC Board of Officers send the VNC Standing Rule 5A Form Letter, stating No Opinion & No Recommendation Without Prejudice, regarding entitlement applications listed in Exhibit A.

6. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[15 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no board member announcements permitted]
7. Treasurers Report accept report as presented See Exhibit A

Hugh Harrison (310-487-2533; on behalf of the Budget Committee:

A Attached is the report on expenditures for May 2010. Pursuant to new mandates from DONE, also attached is a copy of the monthly purchase card billing for the VNC.

B We have filed our reconciliation reports with DONE.

C VNC participation in the annual Eco-Fest: The Budget Committee has approved the financial capacity to fund a portion of a $5000 request for Board approved funding for VNC participation in the annual Eco-Fest. The funding would be from the 2010-2011 budget. The committee recommends funding no more than $1000, or 20% of the annual funding for this project. The project was voted affirmatively by the Budget Committee by a unanimous vote.

8. Scheduled Announcements (no more than 1 minute per report unless otherwise stated)

A Announcements
Linda Lucks (
(i) Report on proposed legal settlements on OPD Lawsuits See Exhibit B
(ii) Ivan Spiegel & Linda Lucks (310 921-9556; The Lincoln Place advocates have prevailed in a David vs. Goliath struggle against AIMCO and have succeeded in returning more than 600 affordable housing units to our community. The VNC Board has already taken a position supporting them. Certificates of Appreciation are to go to: Sheila Bernard, Jan Book, Laura Burns, David Ewing, Amanda Seward, & Laura Silagi
B Governmental Reports • LAPD: Officer Peggy Thusing, Senior Lead Officer (310-622-3968; • State Assemblyperson Ted Lieu: Jennifer Zivkovic, Field Representative (310-615-3515; • Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa: Jennifer Badger, West Area Representatives (310-479-3823; • City Councilperson Bill Rosendahl: Arturo Piña, Field Deputy (310-568-8772; • PlancheckLA: Challis Macpherson ( • LADWP/MOU: VNC Representatives DeDe Audet

C California Coastal Commission hears VSA lawsuit settlement terms
David Ewing (310 339-0848; on behalf of the Venice Action Alliance: We wish to make an report on the CCC’s action at its June hearing regarding OPDs and a proposed settlement of the VSA lawsuit and of the City’s associated legal actions. The CCC meeting is June 9-11, and we wish to report at the June 15 VNC board meeting.

D. Venice Art Crawl This will be a presentation about the upcoming Venice Art Crawl by Daniel Samikow.

9. Old Business

A Letter Regarding OPD Lawsuit Settlement
Joe Murphy (310-305-1444; Request the following letter be sent as indicated:
Judge of the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, Central District
Attorneys for Respondent California Coastal Commission
EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Attorney General of California
CHRISTINA BULL ARNDT, Supervising Deputy Attorney General
WYATT E. SLOAN-TRIBE, Deputy Attorney General,
Attorney for Petitioner Venice Stakeholders Alliance
JOHN A. HENNING, Attorney at Law
Attorneys for Petitioner City of Los Angeles
CARMEN A. TRUTANICH, City Attorney of Los Angeles
VALERIE FLORES, Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office
Re: Case No. BS122073:
VENICE STAKEHOLDERS ASSOCIATION, an unincorporated association, and
In your settlement negotiations and in any agreements you reach, please adhere to the following Venice Neighborhood Council resolution adopted at its October 20, 2009 Board Meeting:

Dear Councilman Rosendahl:

We appreciate your recent efforts to help us address the plight of the homeless and the frustrations with overnight live-in parking.
It seems clear to us that most Venetians have sympathy for the homeless and the residents. At the same time, they are frustrated with the constant political in-fighting that undermines efforts to create a workable consensus. We believe that committing to the following two actions would create a workable consensus and mutually reinforcing solutions to both problems:
1. We will help you draft and implement the intent of your Council Motion 08-3125. In doing this, we suggest that you consider two recent VNC motions (see enclosure) insofar as they are relevant. When a draft ordinance is ready for public review, we will provide opportunities for broad Venice stakeholder review and comment.
2. The intent of Ordinance 177876 is to help address the overnight live-in parking concerns of residents. To clarify this intent, we ask that you file a Council Motion to replace the word ‘and’ with ‘or’ where it is currently causing enforcement confusion.
We believe this letter speaks for the broad majority of Venetians in that it recognizes the mutually reinforcing impact of focusing efforts on both problems simultaneously. Your commitment to join with us in pursuing both of these goals would help us build a better Venice Community.

Sincerely, Linda Lucks, President
Cc: Councilman Rosendahl & Commissioners of the California Coastal Commission
Related Documents: Draft Settlement, VSAModifiedOPDTermsDraft4, VSAproposedAgreementDraft4, VSAProposedStipDraft4

B CIP Applicant Presentations & Approval of Community Improvement Project funding for FY 2010-11 Ivan Spiegel (310-921-9556; As per standing rule, the VNC Board must approve funding for the 2010-2011 Community Improvement Projects at its June meeting. The Neighborhood and Budget Committees have reviewed the applications and their findings were presented to the Board at the May meeting. The applicants will be invited to address the Board (as per the April AdCom meeting). Approximate time = 40 minutes. RANKINGS FOR 2010-2011 VNC COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS # Applicant Project Amount
Requested Amount
1 Masters In The Chapel Concert Series 2000 2000
2 Boys And Girls Club Sew What? Sewing Club 2000 2000
3 Ballona Institute Grand Canal Lagoon Restoration 1958 1026
4 Westside Leadership Magnet School Pacific Leadership Garden 2000 2000
5 Friends Of Coeur d’Alene Elementary Schl Reading Courtyard 2000 2000
6 Westminster Elementary School Westminster Network Printers 1996 1996
7 Mark Twain Middle School Garden Club Supplies 2000 2000
8 Milton Rosenberg Venice Beach Music Festival 2000 2000
9 Esquire Jauchem Carnevale! 2000 2000
10 826 LA Printing “The Venice Wave” 2000 1470
11 Venice Vintage Motorcycle Club Venice Vintage Motorcycle Rally 2000 1508

Total 21954 20000

10. New Business [Need election/voting procedures for A, B, & C]

A Election of 4 members of Administrative Committee (by the Community Officers of the new Board)

B Open nominations for election of LUPC (election by new Board within 30 days of start of term) (See for LUPC Application)

C Open nominations for election of Neighborhood Committee (election by new Board within 30 days of start of term) (See for Neighborhood Committee Application)

D Community Officer Assignments (each to serve on one Standing Committee, and to serve on or chair other committees)

E Action on One-Year Plan Approval for the St. Joseph Center See Exhibit C for Motion & LUPC Staff Report Robert Aronson, LUPC Staff (310- 278-8018; & Jake Kaufman, LUPC Chair ( on behalf of LUPC: St Joseph’s Center, APCW 2003-3304 SPE CU CDP ZAD SPP PA. Jake Kaufman, Chair of VNC Land Use and Planning Committee, moves that the VNC Board of Officers accept the LUPC Staff Report, compiled by LUPC member Robert Aronson, and recommend action, in accordance with the LUPC’s recommended Motion, to CD11, City of Los Angeles Planning Department, and Zoning Administration Hearing Officer Ms. Sue Chang, as contained in the LUPC Motion and Staff Report. The Staff Report and the recommended Motion are posted on the LUPC portion of the VNC website on May 28, 2010. VNC Board members need to access the staff report online as it is too voluminous for this agenda request form. The first page of the Staff Report contains a short Summary.

F Japanese American Memorial Marker NW corner of Venice & Lincoln
Phyllis Hayashibara (310-390-1576;

a. Consider a motion: to support the efforts of the Free Venice Beachhead, the Venice Arts Council, and New Media Academy students at Venice High School, with endorsements from the Venice-Culver Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League, the Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, and the Venice Japanese Community Center to erect a monument (design pending) at the northwest corner of Venice and Lincoln Boulevards, where on April 25, 1942, Japanese Americans in the Venice community lined up for bus transport…

b. FUND A PROPOSAL: …to the Manzanar War Relocation Authority camp for the duration of World War II. The purpose of the memorial marker would be two-fold: to remind passersby of the unjustified evacuation and internment of west coast Japanese Americans after Japan attacked the U. S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941; and to remind passersby of the fragility of our constitutional rights during any time of national duress. (no funding proposal at this time)
G Parking – Food Truck and related issues Robin Rudisill & Jed Pauker (310.827.0144; on behalf of VNC Board: Per the May 18, 2010, VNC Board motion to direct Robin Rudisill and Jed Pauker to act on its behalf as follows:

1. Investigate benefits, detriments and complaints regarding Food Trucks on Abbot Kinney and report back to the Neighborhood Council with recommendations,
2. Investigate Food Truck-related and valet service abuses of parking and zoning laws on Abbot Kinney and make recommendations to the Neighborhood Council,
3. Work directly with CD-11 staff, LA Department of Transportation and Parking Enforcement, LA City Planning and the Venice Neighborhood Council’s Land Use and Planning Committee as the representative of the Venice Neighborhood Council regarding Abbot Kinney parking issues,
4. Report back to the Venice Neighborhood Council Board regarding items one and two above one month after the passage of this resolution.

We recommend that the VNC Board take the following actions:

1. Establish an ad hoc committee or task force, to analyze and recommend action on each of the following impacts: a) Food trucks on local parking congestion, public safety and Abbot Kinney business association relations, b) Valet parking on Abbot Kinney – both legal and abusive, on local parking congestion, c) Existing ordinances & codes that regulate parking and mobile food vending as they affect the Abbot Kinney area,
2. Balance the group membership via input from the Neighborhoods Committee, LUPC, affected business and residential stakeholders,
3. Consider the submitted stakeholder survey template, as well as a possible Town Hall meeting, to gather timely input,
4. Direct the group to maintain pertinent contact with relevant City departments,
5. Establish a term of 90 days, at which point recommendations based on the above items 1-4 are to be submitted.

H Motion to Rescind & Replace 9B from 10/05/18 Board Agenda – LUPC Motion re: 2724 Abbot Kinney Blvd
Joe Murphy (310-305-1444; At the 10/05/18 Board Meeting, I abstained since I did not understand the rationale for voting for the LUPC recommendation. I later learned, essentially, that the owner was legally entitled to convert the units to condominiums and the decision we made actually freed him from his commitment to Venice – ie, he’s going to receive whatever he needs to go through with the conversion. We gained nothing and lost the opportunity to suggest that the conversion be conditioned on what he agreed to do – provide $5000 per year to the school, delay the conversion for 3 years, etc. Essentially, Venice lost a lot and gained nothing. I abstained, so I am not qualified to move to reconsider. If someone who voted for the motion wishes to move for reconsideration, that would be preferable. I wish to vote for the motion recommended by LUPC.

I Letter Supporting Assembly Joint Resolution AJR 41 See Exhibit D
Laura Silagi (310- 396-5702; on behalf of VNC Ad Hoc Santa Monica Airport Committee: request a letter of support by the VNC Board for Assembly Joint Resolution AJR 41 to be sent to Assembly Member Ted Lieu and Senator Fran Pavley.

J Emptying of Venice’s sidewalk trash receptacles
Stewart Oscars (310-305-8248; I believe that Venice is the Number 2 tourist destination in California. This influx of tourists to Venice brings a large sales tax revenue to the State, County, and City. This influx of tourists results in a large amount of trash being left in Venice. So much so that the sidewalk trash receptacles in and around the beach area, and Abbot Kinney, overflow quite regularly. Venice needs increased sidewalk trash receptacle pick up. Therefore, I move that the Venice Neighborhood Council lobby the appropriate governmental agencies to increase the schedule of the emptying of Venice’s sidewalk trash receptacles to match the trash being deposited in them. The money should be available from the sale tax receipts generated here in Venice. This lobbying could be done by a VNC Board member.
K Community Representative in Beach Use Permitting Process Stewart Oscars (310-305-8248; Venice Beach is used as a venue for many types of performances and activities. These activities have a direct effect on the residents of Venice. As such, the residents of the affected areas should have input into the permitting process used by the City and County when setting the parameters for events. I move that the Venice Neighborhood Council contact Council District 11, the Mayor, and our County Supervisor to become an active participant in this process. The VNC Board would choose a representative from either the Board or the Community at large to participate in these negotiations and keep the VNC and the Community abreast of proposed events and seek input from the Community to minimize impacts on Venice.

L Motion to Begin Board Discussion of 2010 VNC Retreat Topics
Joe Murphy (310-305-1444; I move that the Board brainstorm topics for the July 25, 2010 Board Retreat, for which I suggest a focus on identifying and learning from mistakes made during the past 2+ years in order to make the VNC a more respected impartial forum for the Venice Community which honors its Vision Goals (JDM suggestions below). Prior discussion by AdCom on Item 1 below included a suggestion that it could be more efficiently addressed on a case by case basis.

1. Consider creating a Hot Button Issue procedure that enhances the probability of generating a viable political consensus, perhaps one such as the following:
• Board determines whether an issue is a Hot Button Issue and approves a scope of work, prepared by AdCom, broad enough to deal with all aspects of the issue.
• A 13-member Ad Hoc Hot Button Issue Committee is formed as follows:
o AdCom considers & recommends Board approval of Co-Chairs from 2 key interest groups.
o Co-Chairs: (i) select 3 members each; and (ii) 3 members jointly (failure  no committee).
o President appoints 2 community members.
o Committee is directed to involve key gov’t & non-gov’t agencies and to explore all options in preparing a draft report & recommendations.
o Draft report & recommendations is considered at Special Board Meeting.
o Committee considers Board & public comments, revises draft report & recommendations as it deems appropriate, prepares & submits final report & recommendations to Board.
• This procedure to apply to all Hot Button Issues and to supersede all other VNC efforts that do not conform with the above.

2. How to improve Standing & Ad Hoc Committees, perhaps including the following topics to encourage:
• Broadening interests in selecting members.
• Adherence to SR13.
• Preparation and posting of adequate agendas and minutes.
• Referral of Hot Button Issues to AdCom/Board (avoid duplication if suggestion 1 adopted).

3. Clarification of VNC (ie, board adopted) policies, perhaps including the following topics:
• How to determine what constitutes and what does not constitute an official VNC policy.
• How to record and publicize VNC policies.

M Increase awareness of and increase stakeholder participation in the VNC Neighborhood Committee
Stewart Oscars (310-305-8248; To increase awareness of and increase stakeholder participation in the VNC Neighborhood Committee, I propose the following motion: All prospective candidates for membership in the Neighborhood Committee must submit signatures from 75 stakeholders residing in the area they wish to represent stating that these stakeholders have met the candidate and that the candidate has explained to them the function of the Neighborhood Committee.

N Code Simplification Work Program
Challis Macpherson/Jake Kaufman ( on behalf of the LUPC: LUPC motion, May 26, 2010, to advise a delay in deliberation by City Planning Commission to enable Venice stakeholders the opportunity for investigation, public comment and possible action. This Code Simplification Work Program was presented to stakeholders at PlanCheckNC meeting May 8 by Tom Rothman and Alan Bell,City planners. Jake Kaufman, Chair-LUPC, moves that the proposed City Planning Commission, meeting June 10, 2010 for a study session on the Code Simplification Work Program with corresponding ordinances and the following schedule of July, August and September, be delayed 90 days to perform Charter mandated outreach and exchange of feedback with Venice community stakeholders.

O 80 Windward Avenue/1607 Pacific [Postpone to 7/12/2010 AdCom]
Challis Macpherson/Jake Kaufman ( on behalf of the LUPC: Jake Kaufman, Chair LUPC moves that VNC Board of Officers accept LUPC Staff Report and recommendation for action on Case ZA 2010-913 CUB ZV SPE ZAA CDP MEL, at 80 Windward Avenue/1607 Pacific, applicant Arron Turnbull, Wine Tasting Shop, including on-site only wine sales (CUP-Beverage) as recommended by LUPC May 12, 2010.

Recommended motion: Approval of the project as presented with following conditions; hours of operation noon to 2:00 am weekdays and Saturday, and 10:00 am to 2:00 am Sundays; if applicant loses parking lease and doesn’t replace it simultaneously must notify City of Los Angeles and LUPC immediately; service floor of 362 square feet, observe Basic Management Practices as determined by County of Los Angeles; and alcohol conditions in accordance with VNC/LUPC policy. This policy document on VNC/LUPC web site (need link).

P Standing Rule defining board response and action to De Minimus/Consent Calendar
Challis Macpherson/Jake Kaufman ( on behalf of LUPC: Request that Standing Rule defining board response and action to De Minimus/Consent Calendar items from LUPC be modified to exclude individual emails/letters to applicants, planning and CD11, and instead to list such De Minimis declarations in one list available as such on VNC/LUPC web site.

Q Proposed amendment to Standing Rule governing Di Minimis letters
Challis Macpherson ( on behalf of LUPC: Challis Macpherson, Chair-LUPC & VNC board member proposes an amendment to Standing Rule governing Di Minimis letters: Neither City Planning Department nor CD11 have staff to process individual De Minimis letters; I encourage AdCom to change Standing Rule from need for individual letters to listing of De Minimis projects/applications submitted by LUPC and OKed by board. Listing then to be posted on VNC/LUPC web site.

R REC Motion to replace Standing Rule 7 See Exhibit E
Ira Koslow (310-392-0868; on behalf of REC

S REC Motion to set up web to allow placing meeting recordings on it
Ira Koslow (310-392-0868; on behalf of REC: REC recommends that the Communication Officer of the VNC research ways to place audio files of all Board and Committee meetings on the web page of the Board and web pages of all committees.

11. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda
[15 min, no more than 2 minutes per person – no board member announcements permitted]

12. Adjourn (approx 10:00PM)

AdCom Exhibit A – JM’s List of Tasks

1. Officer’s already have their tasks assigned per Bylaws. Other tasks, besides Community Officers choosing committee(s) to chair and/or to belong to, that I think need to be clearly allocated are:

• AdCom & Board & Town Hall Meetings:
1. Posting Agenda
2. PA system setup (Board & Town Hall Meetings)
3. Add responsibility to record meetings (AdCom & Board & Town Hall Meetings) & to webpost (if Brennan can arrange for that)
4. Rental of Westminster Auditorium for Board Meetings and other locations for Town Hall meetings (CC was doing this – I have forms and a system if CC can’t mentor his successor)
5. Snacks & beverages (Board & Town Hall only)
6. Timekeeper
7. Preparation of Speaker Cards and copies of Board Agendas for use by public (Board members wait to print copy of most recent JDM revised version)
• Committee Meetings: chairs responsible for all of the above, which they can delegate
• Response to Stakeholder Communications: email and phone msgs currently come to me which I send to board or selected individuals as I feel appropriate
• Mail: I pick up, record, and distribute at Board & AdCom mtgs (need Jake’s preferred drop point for LUPC materials – almost all mail is for LUPC except for CIP project funding applications)
• Email lists: I believe Marc gathers and keeps current stakeholder mailing info which he uses for Outreach purposes (newsletter, etc)

2. Possible improvements that I can help with if the board decides to implement them:

• REC discussed possibility of setting up ‘consistent format’ committee webpages as currently exist for Board & AdCom. If board agrees, I would be willing to set a starter webpage up for all committees to use and modify as they deem appropriate – and I would also be willing to initially educate committee chairs/delegatees on how to use & maintain it. This is not a big task – no more than a week to set it up and educate – coordinating in advance with Brennan and calling on him as needed. I would design it to include links to webposted meeting recordings for public listening and/or downloading along with the currently existing links to each meeting agenda & minutes so that it won’t be necessary to go back and modify all the committee pages later.

• Change Agenda Request Form to require a short summary descriptor along with the title & contact info with links to documents or references to Exhibits for actual motions, announcements, supporting documents and letters as appropriate. I believe this was Hugh’s suggestion some time ago and that Linda would like to see something like this as well. The agenda itself would be shorter and easier for public to read and understand; it doesn’t shorten the ‘agenda with exhibits’ (motions, announcements, letters, reports, etc); it just makes the agenda part shorter.

Exhibit A – Treasurers Report
2009-10 Expenditures to Budget
May 2010 Current Yr Budget by Acct % of Bdgt Amt spent
Month Amt Spent in
Current Fiscal Year Amt Available to Spend % Budget Remain $ Moved
Annual Allocation $45,000.00
Rollover $20,537.94
Sub Total-Unallocated Budget $65,537.94
Neighborhood Comm. Projects 09-10 20,000.00
Total 85,537.94
100 Operations Budget
Office Supplies $1,600.00 $551.00 $1,082.31 $517.69 32.4% -$500.00
Copies $1,000.00 $23.47 $326.40 $673.60 67.4%
Office Equipment $834.00 $317.94 $317.94 $516.06 61.9% -$1,000.00
Staffing/Apple One $700.00 $358.91 $341.09 48.7%
Telephone Expense $800.00 $39.07 $390.04 $409.96 51.2%
Storage $1,854.00 $186.30 $1,746.30 $107.70 5.8%
Bank Charges $150.00 $62.50 $87.50 58.3%
Board Retreat $850.00 $850.00 100.0%
General Operations $800.00 $597.45 $202.55 25.3%
sub Total Operations $8,588.00 10.0% $1,117.78 $4,881.85 $3,706.15 43.2%
200 Outreach
Copies / Printing $700.00 $162.98 $537.02 76.7% -$300.00
Facilities For Public $2,000.00 $1,740.00 $260.00 13.0%
Refreshments $1,000.00 $240.55 $759.45 75.9%
Web Site & e-mail $1,150.00 $30.00 $462.30 $687.70 59.8%
Advertising & Promotions $500.00 $926.25 -$426.25 -85.3%
Newsletter Prodution $1,800.00 $900.00 $900.00 50.0%
Newsletter Printing $9,000.00 $3,473.19 $5,526.81 61.4%
Newsletter Delivery $5,100.00 $2,720.00 $2,380.00 46.7%
Elections $2,300.00 $1,161.99 $1,138.01 49.5% $2,300.00
General Outreach $1,600.00 $293.17 $498.94 $1,101.06 68.8% -$500.00
sub Total Outreach $25,150.00 29.4% $323.17 $12,286.20 $12,863.80 51.1%
300 Community Improvement
Venice Community BBQ $5,000.00 $3,908.77 $1,091.23 21.8%
Neighborhood Commun Proj 2009-10 $20,000.00 $12,225.01 $7,774.99 38.9%
General Community Projects 2009-10 $5,600.00 $1,500.00 $3,240.42 $2,359.58 42.1%
Neighborhood Commun Proj 2010-11 $21,200.00 $21,200.00 100.0%
sub Total Community Improvement $51,800.00 60.6% $1,500.00 $19,374.20 $32,425.80 62.6%
Total $85,538.00 $2,940.95 $36,542.25 $48,995.75 57.3%

Current Yr Budget by Acct % of Bdgt Amt spent
Month Amt Spent in
Current Fiscal Year Amt Available to Spend % Budget Remain $ Moved
Neighborhood Community Projects 2009-2010
Friends of Coeur d’Alene Garden $1,996.00 10% $1,994.98 $1.02 0%
Master in the Chapel-Concerts $2,000.00 10% $1,600.00 $400.00 20%
Westminster School-Benches $2,000.00 10% $1,987.37 $12.63 1%
FranceFagin-Photography Program $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100%
Inside Out Arts-Courtyard $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 $0.00 0%
Abbot Kinney District-Festival $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100%
Oakwood Rec Center-Halloween $2,000.00 10% $1,888.55 $111.45 6%
SPARC-Building Beautification $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 $0.00 0%
Alex Stowell-Metal at Muscle Beach $2,000.00 10% $2,000.00 100%
Mother Olivia Faire-Tutoring $405.00 2% $405.00 100%
Congregation Mishkon Tephiklo-Sing Along $1,599.00 8% $1,486.11 $112.89 7%
Total $20,000.00 $0.00 $12,957.01 $7,042.99 35%
General Community Improvement 2009-2010
Total Available $5,600.00 $5,600.00 100%
H1N1 $300.00 $294.60 $5.40 2%
Feed The Beach $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 0%
Ballona Lagoon Receptacle $300.00 $300.00 100%
Green Film Series $1,000.00 $805.82 $194.18 19%
Audio/Visual for Oakwood Rec $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 0%
Toys for Tots $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 0%
Santa Monica Airport Survey $850.00 $850.00 100%
President’s Row $0.00 $0.00
Vera Davis Turkeys $300.00 $300.51 -$0.51 0%
Total Allocated $5,550.00
Total To be Allocated $50.00
Total Spent $1,500.00 $4,200.93 $1,399.07 25%

Exhibit B – Report on proposed legal settlements on OPD Lawsuits

Report on Recent City of Los Angeles and California Coastal Commission on Legal Settlements to Overnight Parking District Law suit.

(space holder) link for City Council vote) Coastal Commission Decision: 6/10/2010 14. COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS. See AGENDA CATEGORIES. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See AGENDA CATEGORIES) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission’s coastal development permit process.

[Items 14 a and 14b share a single, combined staff report.]

a. Appeal No. A-5-VEN-08-343 (City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation, Los Angeles) Appeal by Peggy Lee Kennedy et al and Executive Director, Peter Douglas from decision of City of Los Angeles granting permit to City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation to establish Overnight Parking District No. 523 (in the Venice area) with early morning parking restrictions, exempting vehicles with District No. 523 permits, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB)

b. Application No. 5-08-313 (City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation, Venice) Application of City of Los Angeles, Dep. of Transportation to Establish Overnight Parking District No. 523 (in the Venice area) with early morning parking restrictions, exempting vehicles with District No. 523 permits, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB)

c. Appeal No. A-5-VEN-08-344 (City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation, Los Angeles) Appeal by Peggy Lee Kennedy et al and Executive Director, Peter Douglas from decision of City of Los Angeles granting permit to City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation to establish Overnight Parking District No. 526 (in the Villa Marina area) with early morning parking restrictions, exempting vehicles with District No. 526 permits. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB)

Exhibit C – LUPC Saint Joseph Center Motion & Staff Report

Recommended MOTION: (see for May 26, 2010 LUPC Staff Report )

1. Modification of Conditions Of Approval:

The LUPC recommends that the Board of the VNC recommend that the Zoning Administrator approve the request of the St. Joseph Center to modify Conditions Of Approval numbers 28 and 34, and that the Zoning Administrator deny the request of the St. Joseph Center to modify Conditions Of Approval numbers 11, 12, 21, and 29, for the reasons set forth in the LUPC Staff Report.

2. Approval of Plans at End of First Year of Operations:

The LUPC recommends that the Board of the VNC recommend that the Zoning Administrator find that the St. Joseph Center has operated and continues to operate in violation of Conditions Of Approval listed below, and that the Conditions Of Approval be added or modified as follows:

Conditions Of Approval numbers 8, 11, 33, and 35: The Saint Joseph Center is in violation of Conditions of Approval 8, 11, 33 and 35 by failing to provide written evidence which describes that the specific nature of the uses and activities on the Campus, staffing (employees and volunteers), number of clients, schedules and hours of operation, events, parking requirements, allocation of parking spaces for each of the uses on the Campus, the contract(s) or agreements for the leasing of parking spaces, and parking by all other users of the entire Campus. The Saint Joseph Center should be required to provide this information in writing.

Condition Of Approval 12.b.: The St. Joseph Center is in violation of this Condition, and should be required to provide a satisfactory explanation in writing for its violation, and should be required to confirm that it is aware that no private rental of the premises is permitted, and that no private rental will be made in the future. If the Conditions Of Approval are in any way unclear in prohibiting the use of the Culinary Training Institute (kitchen) for purposes other than the Culinary Training Program, the Plan Approval process should be used to modify the Conditions to clarify that such use is prohibited.

Conditions Of Approval 14.a. and c.: The St. Joseph Center is in violation of these Conditions, and should be required to designate a person as a liaison to the adjacent residents, and should be required to post a telephone number for complaints and emergencies on a sign at the driveway entrances, and provide the telephone number to the immediate neighbors, schools, and local neighborhood associations. The Conditions Of Approval should be modified to require that the telephone number shall have a live person answering it during business hours, and an after-hours method to immediately contact the 24-hour security guard who is required to be on the premises as per Condition Of Approval number 17.

Condition Of Approval 15: The St. Joseph Center is in violation of this Condition, and should be required to clean up feces, vomit, bottles, cans, paper and needles from the public right-of-way within one block of the subject center once per day when the center is open to clients. The Conditions Of Approval should be modified to require that the St. Joseph Center keep a log of the date and time of each daily clean-up, and make the log available to the public immediately upon request.

Condition Of Approval 16: The St. Joseph Center is in violation of this Condition, and should be required to commission a study and then install recommended noise-attenuating materials. The Conditions Of Approval should be modified to give the St. Joseph Center a deadline to relocate the child care center to a portion of the Campus that is not adjacent to residential uses. The Conditions Of Approval should be modified to require that the noise emanating from the relocated child care center is below a certain decibel level at the St. Joseph Center’s property line adjoining residential areas.

Condition Of Approval 18.e.: The St. Joseph Center is in violation of this Condition, and should be required to supervise and enforce the requirement that all staff, clients, and subtenants coming to the Campus in vehicles are required to park in the on-site parking lots. The Conditions Of Approval should be modified to require improved signage and communication so that visitors are directed to the on-site parking lots in a manner that seeks to make the on-site parking lots more apparent and more convenient than street parking.

Condition Of Approval 21: The St. Joseph Center is in violation of this Condition, and should be required to provide a satisfactory explanation in writing for its violation of this Condition prohibiting rental of the kitchen to private parties for cooking classes open to the general public,and should be required to confirm that it is aware that no private rental of the premises is permitted, and that no private rental will be made in the future. If the Conditions Of Approval are in any way unclear in prohibiting the use of the Culinary Training Institute (kitchen) for purposes other than the Culinary Training Program, the Plan Approval process should be used to modify the Conditions to clarify that such use is prohibited.

Condition Of Approval 29: The St. Joseph Center is in violation of this Condition, and should be required to install full and complete screening of the adjacent residential windows from the southerly edge of the roof deck to visually buffer the deck from the apartment building to the south, using an architectural lattice or similar screening material incorporating landscaping materials.

Condition of Approval 38.c.: The St. Joseph Center is in violation of this Condition, and should be required to install shielding on the outdoor lighting on tall poles in the parking lots, so that light can not be seen from the adjacent residential properties. The Conditions Of Approval should be modified to require that indoor lighting at the southeast end of the building on the second floor must be shielded or turned off so that it can not be seen from the adjacent residential properties after 10:00 P.M.

Exhibit D – Letter Supporting Assembly Joint Resolution AJR 41


Dear Assembly Member Ted Lieu and Senator Fran Pavley,

The Venice Community Council strongly supports your Assembly Joint Resolution AJR 41. The Venice Community is adversely affected by noise and air pollution caused by over 150 prop and 25 jet flights per day over Venice. A comprehensive study of the areas surrounding the airport is sorely needed. Your resolution, “which would memorialize the Federal Aviation Administration, the federal Environmental Protection Agency, the federal Department of Transportation, and the members of the California congressional elegation to work collaboratively to review noise levels and the safety of flight operations at Santa Monica Airport, to carefully examine the air pollution impact on the communities that surround the airport, and to enlist the help of expert scientists to study the effects of emissions from the airport and apply that science into remediation efforts, among other things,” is the beginning of making an important change for all communities surrounding the airport. Thank you for your work on this important environmental resolution.


Linda Lucks, President
Venice Neighborhood Council


The figures of 150 props and 25 jets per day comes from the Santa Monica airport which estimates over 190 props and 25 jets fly out of Santa Monica daily. At the present time, the flight path has changed for about 17 instrument props per day flying over Santa Monica. The rest continue to fly over Venice. The residents of Santa Monica are up in arms over this new flight path experiment that will end around June 8th. The purpose of this experiment by the FAA is to better coordinate the take-off by jets between LAX and Santa Monica Airport. The diverting of these props (instrument flight props) means that these slower planes are out of the way for the SM jets to take off when given the signal… The flight path for the LAX and the flight path are too close and therefore have to be coordinated by LAX. This causes jets at SM to idle for quite a while on the runway waiting for the signal to leave causing extreme pollution to those east of the airport in particular. The true solution would be for the jets to take off over SM toward the pier and thereby leaving enough distance between LAX and SM jets. (This was done before and in 1991 the residents of SM complained and the flight path was changed to go over Venice —-over Rose.) Also, the other props (visual instrument props)all fly over Venice, especially affecting those south of the airport. A large number of these are small props practicing. There are 6 flight schools out of SM airport. The flight path to the south is also for the convenience of Santa Monica residents.

Mar Vista letter (possible alternative to consider – see next page)
Ted Lieu, CA Assembly member – 53rd Assembly District California State Assembly State Capitol P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0053 email address: June xx, 2010

Resolution of the Mar Vista Community Council
To SUPPORT California State Assembly Joint Resolution AJR 41
(Authored by California Assembly member Ted Lieu – 53rd District)
(Coauthored by California Senator Fran Pavley – 23rd District)
(Sponsored by Concerned Residents Against Airport Pollution)

TOPIC: Relative to Santa Monica Airport
Whereas: Santa Monica Airport is surrounded more closely by densely populated residential neighborhoods than other comparable airports in the country, and

Whereas: Santa Monica Airport is the busiest single runway airport in the nation with total annual jet operations growing from approximately 1,000 in 1983 to over 18,000 in 2007, and

Whereas: West Los Angeles, Mar Vista, Venice, and Santa Monica are heavily impacted by the emissions and noise from Santa Monica Airport jet operations, and

Whereas: A recently published study of air quality downwind from Santa Monica Airport using a state-of-the-art California Air Resources Board mobile monitoring unit showed very high levels of particulates well into the Los Angeles community of North Westdale, and

Whereas: A February, 2010 Health Impact Assessment report by a team of UCLA resident pediatricians analyzed the impacts of a lack of a buffer zone, noise, and air quality. One of their recommendations was to adopt the precautionary principal given the evidence of the potential harm from the byproducts of airport pollution on animal and human health.

Be it resolved that
1) The Mar Vista Community Council strongly supports this resolution AJR 41, and
2) The Board of the Mar Vista Community Council shall send this official letter of support to California State Assemblyman Ted Lieu.
Respectfully submitted by

Albert Olson
Mar Vista Community Council

Exhibit E – REC Motion to replace Standing Rule 7

Motion to replace Standing Rule 7 with the following (JM/IK – Unanimous): A. is unchanged, B. is modeled on A, the introductory ¶ (starting with ‘The VNC Secretary is’) is changed to conform to both A. & B.

7. Agenda Request Procedures & Posting of Minutes

The VNC Secretary is responsible for producing accurate minutes of Stakeholder, Board of Officers and Administrative Committee meetings. The VNC Standing & Ad Hoc Committees chairs are responsible for producing accurate minutes of their respective committees. The VNC Secretary and the VNC Standing & Ad Hoc Committees chairs are responsible for submitting the minutes for public posting no later than seven (7) days after the meeting at which they are approved but not more than 45 days after the meeting at which the minutes were taken.

A. Administrative Committee

All agenda requests & supporting documents must be submitted to the Secretary no later than 7:00PM two (2) days prior to the posting deadline for the Administrative Committee meeting (five days prior to said meeting). Any request not received by the Secretary as indicated above will not be considered and will be held until the next meeting. Please email supporting documents in digital format with the item title in the subject line.

• Board Members & Committees must use the Online Agenda Request Form.
• An Online Agenda Request Form must include contact information, item title, and fully drafted motions/letters. Incomplete or confusing motions or letters will result in the rejection of the item by the Secretary with notice to the person submitting the request & to the President.

Any letter requests shall include the names and addresses of proposed recipients. Proponents of the letter shall prepare it as decided by the board and email it to the President for review, edit and signature. The President shall return the approved version by email to the proponents with a copy to the Secretary for VNC records. Proponents of the letter shall then copy and send the approved letter.

The chair of the Administrative Committee may supersede this rule.

B. Standing & Ad Hoc Committees

All agenda requests & supporting documents must be submitted to the chair of the Committee no later than 7:00PM two (2) days prior to the posting deadline for the Committee meeting (five days prior to said meeting). Any request not received by the chair of the Committee as indicated above will not be considered and will be held until the next meeting. Please email supporting documents in digital format with the item title in the subject line.

• Committee Members must use the Committee Online Agenda Request Form.
• An Online Agenda Request Form must include contact information, item title, and fully drafted motions/letters. Incomplete or confusing motions or letters will result in the rejection of the item by the chair with notice to the person submitting the request & to the Vice President.

Any letter requests shall include the names and addresses of proposed recipients. If submitted to the Board by the chair of the Committee on its behalf, the chair shall prepare it as decided by the Board and email it to the President for review, edit and signature. The President shall return the approved version by email to the chair of the Committee with a copy to the Secretary for VNC records. The chair of the Committee shall then copy and send the approved letter.

Committee chairs are responsible for producing accurate minutes of committee meetings and for web posting a draft of the minutes no later than seven (7) days after the meeting at which the minutes were taken. Accurate minutes must be web posted no later than seven (7) days after the meeting at which they are approved.

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