Want to win $750 and a VIP package to the Twilight Dance Series at the Santa Monica Pier? Download the contest application here.
The Santa Monica Pier Restoration Corporation is pleased to announce the 2010 Twilight Dance Series Poster Contest. The winning design will become the official representation of the 26th Annual Twilight Dance Series, Santa Monica Pier’s free summer concert series which is attended by over 100,000 people each summer.
The poster serves as the cornerstone of the advertising and public relations program each year and will become a collector’s item. The winner will be chosen via a secure Internet poll on www.santamonicapier.org. Visitors will only be able to vote one time, for one poster.
All entries are due on March 12th, 2010. Finalists will be selected and voting will
take place during the month of March and April. All entries will be displayed in on the Pier inside the Carousel Hippodrome from March 26th through April 23rd.