(Tony Vera will be at this meeting and we will be posting his video of it once it is uploaded.)
Captain Brian Johnson of the LPAD Pacific Division and Mike Bonin, the Chief of Staff for Bill Rosendahl, will be at the Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting meeting this evening starting at 7pm. Captain Johnson will answer questions about the Ronald Weekly arrest and face smashing. Click here to read the entire agenda and to read the board exhibits as pdf’s.
Highlights of the meeting include the following discussions:
– A Motion For Land Use and Planning Committee by Sue Kaplan:
MOTION : The VNC Board instructs that the Land Use And Planning Committee shall consider mass, scale, and character for an applicant’s proposed project, even when the proposed project is otherwise in compliance with the height, setback, and other requirements of the Venice Coastal Zone Specific Plan and the Los Angeles Municipal Codes.
– Gjelina: Expansion of seating and a full booze license.
– Hosteria del Piccillo: 78 indoor and 58 patio seating, full liquor license, 8a-Midnight daily. No relief from parking required from original entitlement of the building.
– Motion: The Venice Neighborhood Council asks that the comment period for scoping of the planned Army Corps of Engineers project to restore the Ballona Wetlands be at least 90-days and that two full public hearings be held at times convenient to the working public and located in hearing rooms where those attending can hear all of the comments.
Click here to read the entire agenda and to read the board exhibits as pdf’s.
Venice Neighborhood Council Board Meeting: Tuesday, August 21
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd
Venice CA 90291
7:00PM until 10:00PM