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6 San Diego Themed Gift Ideas for Women

It is easy to make getting a gift for any woman in your life harder than it has to be. A great trick to help you get past the brainstorming stage is to actually limit your gifts to those that have some local relevance. This seems counterintuitive, but somehow it is easier to get ideas when you have a theme to work with. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

Flats or Sandals

If you live in San Diego, you can’t really have too many sandals. Even if we all do not get to the beach as much as we would like to, sandals can be worn most of the year here and tend to go well with most outfits. Don’t get anything too crazy, but she will certainly appreciate having a new pair that is safely in line with her style. 

For the uninitiated, womens flats are simply shoes that can be worn with almost anything. It is hard to go wrong with these, and they make way more sense than buying boots or other less breathable footwear since she is not going to be too comfortable in the San Diego sun if her feet are mummified in shoes meant for people living in Chicago. 

Beach Inspired Jewelry

While jewelry can seem like a difficult gift to get just right, picking out casual hand-made jewelry usually not only gives her a unique piece highlighting the local scene, it will also be taken as a thoughtful gesture. Mall jewelry says “I did not know what to get”; local, custom beach-themed jewelry says “I just had to get this for you because I was thinking of you.”

Local Beer or Wine

It is hard to go wrong buying her favorite alcohol, whatever that might be. Everyone likes to take the edge off from time to time, and a guilt-free chance to enjoy a top-of-the-line beer or wine is always a welcome gift. What really makes a gift like this personal though is choosing a beverage that is made in small batches locally. It is similar to the situation with mall jewelry vs. hand-made jewelry. The extra thought it takes to find local, small-batch San Diego drinks makes the gift mean so much more. 

Custom Beach Towel

This one might seem corny at first, but if you pick a design that fits in with her interests or hobbies, it can be a great way to show how much you care. It is also a great excuse to plan a trip to the beach, and that is a gift that everyone can appreciate!

Restaurant Tours

There is no shortage of good restaurants in San Diego, and getting a chance to sample the best of what is out there makes for a fantastic night out. One great thing about getting her a restaurant tour is that it is hard to go wrong. She might not like one of the restaurants, but there is a good chance that she will find a new place that she will absolutely love. The other wonderful thing about this gift is that it is also a gift of companionship. Ideally, you could go out with her. Taking the time to enjoy exploring the town together will bring you closer together and show her how much she is appreciated. 

Local Tours

If restaurant tours seem too expensive or if you simply think they are not up her alley, you can always get much the same effect by taking local tours together. There are tours of every type imaginable, and these are often quite affordable. Again, the real gift is the fun you will have together and the fact that it shows how much you want to spend time having small adventures together.

The key to finding a great San Diego gift idea for any woman in your life is to pick something that shows you care and understand her. Obviously, this list is just the tip of the iceberg, and you might have to rely on your own creativity and intuition to develop the perfect gift idea for her. That said, adding a local twist to whatever gift you choose is a great way to show that you have put thought into your gift. If you combine this with a gift that shows you get her or want to spend time with her, then you stand a great chance of giving her something truly meaningful.  

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