Helping the homeless in Venice Photo Credit: Will Hawkins
The 1st annual Home for the Holidays benefit and concert is happening tonight at Safe Place for Youth (S.P.Y). All proceeds will help fund the first-ever Miracle Messages Homeless Reunification Program in Venice.

The Miracle Messages program uses to power of social media to reconnect those homeless in Venice with friends and family, get them off the street and home for the holidays.
Teaming up with local non-profits, Safe Place for Youth (S.P.Y) and St Joseph’s, along with 50 volunteers, the VNC Homeless Committee spent two days reaching out to those homeless in Venice. Volunteers filmed video messages; these will be uploaded and shared via social media.
“What’s great about this program is that it doesn’t cost taxpayers anything. It’s completely financed by donations,” says Will Hawkins. Hawkins is President of the Venice Neighborhood Council’s (VNC) Homeless Committee.
Over the past 2-years, Miracle Messages has managed to connect 90% of people with family members. Resulting in a 40% hit rate, getting people off the street, and back home by using this method.

“This is a special evening of fantastic music for an amazing cause that not only benefits those getting back home but the homeowners and businesses in Venice who are looking for some immediate relief from this rampant issue occurring in our neighborhood,” says Hawkins.
Tonight’s benefit and concert will kick off at 5:00 pm, at Safe Place for Youth, 2469 South Lincoln Boulevard in Venice.
Performances by: Maia Sharp, David Poe
Special Guest performances: Kim Michalowski, Will Hawkins
For tickets click here:
If you’d like to help support the Miracle Messages Homeless Reunification Program email Hawkins at