May 5, 2015 10:27am
You may have seen the notice on the window, there’s a new plan for the building that, for 20 years, has been home to local favorite La Fiesta Brava.
This Cinco de Mayo could be the last for the family owned and operated business.
On April 23 there was a zoning hearing at the West Los Angeles Municipal Building regarding the La Fiesta Brava location at 423 Rose Ave., Venice.
Representatives for applicant Bruce Horwitz requested a change of use from the existing market and deli to a restaurant with a covered patio and outdoor dining which would serve a full line of alcoholic beverages within the 8:00am to midnight hours of operation.
A purpose the hearing was to gauge public opinion towards the project. Many stood up to speak against it and a petition with over 1000 signatures was presented. As a result Assistant Zoning Administrator, Lourdes Green granted a 60 day extension.
A big issue for locals in the area is parking, if it where to be approved, the new restaurant would be required to provide a total of 18 parking spaces on the site. At the hearing on April 23 those speaking in support of the project presented an alternate parking layout of 11 spaces, another 4 spaces credited as non-conforming, and to make up the final 4 required spaces an alternative of 16 bicycle stalls will be considered instead.
LUPC has added the project to their May 26 Agenda