Barb sent us a flyer for the opening event tonight, and the tour is this Sunday:
The Biannual Venice ArtBlock Open Studio Tour, FREE, 11am-6pm 4th & Sunset ave. Venice, CA 90291. Explore over 60 artist studios in Venice and meet the people in them. Walk, Skate, Bike, Pedicab, Shuttle. Live Music, Food & Italian Ice, Live Art, and more:
Our Open Studio Tour is fast approaching and preparations are in full swing. Artists are preparing their studios for your visit and look forward to sharing their worlds with you for the day. We have free parking available at Westminister Elelmentary School (corner of Abbot Kinney & Westminster) and SPARC (685 Venice Blvd.), and complimentary shuttle buses to the different studios for those who don’t want to ride their bikes or walk. Route maps are available at the studios on the corner of 4th ave. and Sunset ave.. Keep an eye out for the yellow flags marking studio locations.